Lisk San Antonio Blockchain Meetup — April 2, 2018

Ascend Admin
2 min readMar 17, 2018



Lisk San Antonio Blockchain Meetup, hosted by Ascend’s very own Nimbus, will have its next Meetup at 6:30 p.m. on April 2, 2018 at the Geekdom Event Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Visit Official Meetup Page

This Meetup will be extra special for USA Lisk fans because LiskHQ Community Manager, Jan Liz-Fonts, will be in attendance to give a presentation on Lisk’s Relaunch! In addition to showing off Lisk’s new ecosystem, there’s a good chance Jan will bring some Lisk swag with him! In addition to Jan’s presentation, there will be a great presentation on blockchain scalability. As if that weren’t enough, BLOQspace and LiskUSA will be in attendance as well! So, if you have the opportunity, it will be an excellent Meetup to attend. As always, free food and beverages will be on hand.

Meetups are an important part of generating awareness for the Lisk Platform and showing the world what Lisk has to offer. Hosting a meetup is an excellent way to contribute to the Lisk community and to take participation in the Lisk Community to the next level. Ascend is proud to have 4 Lisk Meetup hosts as Ascend members and will likely add more soon! If you are hosting a Lisk Meetup, drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!

Ascend is working hard to bring the Lisk Community great delegates that the community can be proud of, but we need your help. If you would like to support us please be sure to Pledge Your Vote for Ascend.

Originally published at Lisk Ascend.



Ascend Admin

Talented professionals building out the Lisk ecosystem. Pledge your vote for Lisk Delegates with purpose.