2018 Global (Shanghai) Blockchain Application Entrepreneurship Competition

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3 min readFeb 3, 2018

2018 Global (Shanghai) Blockchain Application Entrepreneurship Competition Launching Ceremony cum Blockchain Application Seminar was successfully held. Many industry guests joined the discussion about “blockchain +”

Today, as the blockchain attracts more and more attention, the blockchain is also considered as the next generation of the disruptive core technology after steam engine, power and Internet. Blockchain, as the technology of building trust, will probably revolutionize the way in which the human society value is passed on.

To further explore and implement the applications of blockchain technology in various fields such as Internet of Things, Big Data, AI, Healthcare, Finance, Intellectual Property, Games, Entertainment and Traditional Internet, “2018 Global (Shanghai) Blockchain Application Entrepreneurship Competition Launching Ceremony cum Blockchain Application (DApp) Seminar “was officially opened in Shanghai and Silicon Valley at 13:00 on February 3, 2018. This competition is sponsored by Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center as the guidance unit, Shanghai Qujia Information Technology Co., Ltd., Jiading National Internet of things incubator center and DApp Labs as sponsors. The entire competition will last for six months and fully integrate the power of all sectors of society to create a more favorable environment and conditions for the promotion and landing of blockchain related applications. The competition is supported by the only technical support from Asch, the well-known domestic chain.

At the conference, Mr.Yu Wenbo, the veteran investors, Mr.Xing Chunxiao, vice president of Information Technology Research Institute and Internet Industry Research Institute of Tsinghua university, Mr.Qiu Yuefeng, the Rootscap Capital partner, Mr.Qian Hantao, Asch chain CTO, Mr.Tian Shaojie, the co-funder of Shanghai Qujia Information Technology Co., Ltd. respectively made speeches about blockchain technology, application and investment. Mr.Zhang Detao, the secretary general of the organizing committee, made the introduction of the entrepreneurship competition, including specific rules and competition time. Subsequently, a number of biggies launched the launching ceremony of the global (Shanghai) blockchain application entrepreneurship competition in 2018.

2018 Global (Shanghai) Blockchain Application Entrepreneurship Competition Launching Ceremony

Mr.Qian Hantao, the Asch chain CTO, clearly explained the technical details of cross-chain interoperability. So far, cross-chain can be achieved through notary mechanisms, side-chain / repeater modes and hash locks, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. Mr. Qian Hantao is the CTO of Asch. The technology of Asch in the sidechain and crosschain has been very mature, and Asch is the only technical support unit for the blockchain application competition.

Asch CTO Mr.Qian Hantao made keynote speech about cross-chain interoperability-accelerating blockchain technology and applications to practice

Finally entered the roundtable forum process, the main theme of the first discussion is “Exploration of DApp innovation model in the era of blockchain 3.0”. During the discussion, Mr. Shan qingfeng, the founder of Asch chain, shared the efforts made by Asch in cross-chain, DAPPs and other aspects. When talking about the problems of the blockchain industry in 2018, he thinks the blockchain is a book-keeping technology that records property, document ownership and personal information and offers opportunities in all walks of life. The host further added that Asch is the only technical support unit for this blockchain application competition and that multiple projects will be run on Asch to participate in the competition.

With more and more applications in the blockchain industry applied to practice, the entire industry has also begun to shift from speculation to practical applications and development. It is believed that the blockchain industry will develop faster and more solidly through this competition.

