Asch — A Decentralized Application Platform

3 min readOct 5, 2017


What is Asch Platform

Asch is a decentralized application platform, providing a series of SDK and API to help developers creating decentralized applications based on JavaScript and sidechain technology. By providing a whole set of industry standard solutions including customized sidechain, smart contracts, application hosting, and etc., Asch intends to offer an easy-to-use, fully functional and plug & play ecosystem, by which developers can rapidly iterate their JavaScript applications, and easily deploy them into application store built in the system. These application can be smoothly downloaded and executed by every node and user located in everywhere of this ecosystem. The whole process will be secured by the Asch sidechain consensus network. On the other hand Asch itself is also a fully opened, decentralized application, which has its own cryptocurrency known as Asch coin. Asch coin is capable of interfacing with sidechain or any decentralized application (DAPP) through “two-way peg” mechanism so that it can be the bridge or media for the asset transition among all DAPPs, and to achieve that purpose, the Asch coin will be sold to the investors through ICO (initial coin offering) before the deployment of the system. Once an Asch system is published, it will not under the control of the core development team, but the stakeholders of the system and the owners of Asch coin.

Who Should Use Asch Platform

Apart from some basic services, Asch platform also provides technology and toolkit support, whose main target audiences are as follow: Developers Developers can create and deploy DAPP in Asch platform by following the criteria of application development and business activities. The business model of these DAPPs may be free or fixed price, or pay with value added service. It is all up to the developers themselves. Enterprises The tools provided by Asch platform can be used to easily create a complete blockchain, and more importantly, this blockchain can be pegged into main chain of Asch platform or even the blockchain of Bitcoin, thereby connected with well-developed electronic currency. It is a very attractive feature that is suitable for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) especially start-up companies. SMEs can utilize blockchain technology to provide the information and data that were enclosed inside companies or Internet in the past, and to connect with the system data owned by authority so that they can promote the business publicity and improve the companies’ image. Consequently more trustiness can be brought to the investors and financial institutions to make it easy to get the funds or contracts. It is inevitable for SMEs to public their business information. SMEs found it is difficult to prevent social community to know their secrets. Therefore we can assume that blockchain will play a vital role in SMEs everyday business activities. End users Individual users can download, install and use numbers of decentralized applications through Asch built-in app store, which is similar with application store in current smart phone. Asch system supports different kinds of decentralized application on which end users can make profit by contributing the program or content. It is possible for developers and users to create a vivid ecosystem together.

Features & Differences

Although it is based on an Ethereum-like model, Asch is designed to make developers’ life much easier: adopting JavaScript as development language, or supporting DBMS to store the transaction data, all of these approaches make DApp development like traditional web application, which must be extremely attractive to developers and SMEs. We believe the ecosystem of the whole platform will not be developed sustainably unless developers productivity could be promoted. Asch is also an open platform whose focus is not limited to a particular area, such as finance, document storage, or copywrite proof, but is on providing a series of underlying and abstract APIs, which can be combined and utilized to realize almost all kinds of applications. In addition Asch system utilized enhenced DPOS agorithm in its consensus mechanism to significantly reduce the probability of block fork and the risk of duplicate payment. Most importantly, Asch’s sidechain-is-application mode can not only alleviate the blockchain inflation issue, but also make DApp more resilient and characteristic. Overall Asch is a prospective, low-cost, one-stop solution that is surely able to be the incubator of next generation decentralised application.

Check out Asch Whitepaper for more details!

