Proposal for Asch Community 101 Delegates

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5 min readFeb 11, 2018

Asch’s main chain is the hub of the entire ecosystem and its decision-making voting rights belong to all the XAS (stock tokens) holders, while the daily management and maintenance of Asch system are accomplished by the delegates voted by the users.

With the gradual improvement of Asch system and also thanks to the efforts of all, the value and the influence of Asch are growing rapidly , more and more people begin to pay close attention to Asch and also there are a lot of enthusiastic people who spontaneously contribute to the Asch system. However, this powerful force is very inefficient because of thepoor organization and planning, so we have developed this proposal for Asch community 101 delegates.

We need to organize the existing community delegates. The responsibilities of the delegates are not only tomaintain the stable operation of Asch system, but also to be the backbone of Asch community, and the vanguards to promote the development of Asch community. We should have a reasonable reward, penalty and replacement mechanism to encourage the delegates to make more contribution, and promptly replace the delegates who do not act or make contribution.

We hope this proposal for 101 delegates to make the delegates’’ contributions transparent, and add the competition mechanism and establish the supervision and assessment mechanism. Also, we hope to unite the power of all the 101 delegates and Asch community to make the Asch platform to be a great application ecosystem that is meaningful to society and mankind alike.

The proposal for Asch 101 delegates will be open and transparent and can be supervised by each member.

1 Basic description of the 101 delegates

Each account in the Asch system can be registered as a delegate (100XAS is required).

The delegates can be voted by any token holders in the future.

When the your votes are ranked in the top 101, you can obtain the account right, that is, the right to produce blocks, and get certain rewards. The process of producing blocks is called forging.

The top 101 delegates take turns producing blocks in chronological order with a block interval of 10 seconds. When the shift delegate fails to produce a block, it is postponed until the next 10 seconds, and the next delegate continues to produce.

Every 101 blocks is a cycle and the forging order of the delegates in each cycle is random. When the last block of each cycle is produced, the revenue of the cycle is settled and the new ranking is refreshed.

Productivity is an indicator the stability of Asch delegates. Too low productivity can affect the vote yield.

The delegates will not be able to get the benefits of the cycle due to downtime, network error, etc., and will reduce the productivity.

The delegates who produce blocks normally share the benefits equally. The benefits include block awards and transaction fees. The ranking and the voting rate do not affect the amount of revenue. The returns of the top 101 delegates are the same.

Only the first 101 delegates have the right to account, and the delegates must participate in the Asch community building if they intend to be the 101 delegates.

2. Re-explanation of Asch 101 Delegates

The delegates are responsible for the safe and stable operation of Asch platform nodes. Asch’s delegate, colloquially speaking, is the equivalent of a miner in Bitcoin, with the right to produce blocks. In Asch ecology this process is called forging.

Forging does not require as much computing power as Bitcoin mining, and general server (recommended: high configuration) can be used to verify the accounting algorithm which combines time-slice verification, delegate random ranking, delegate signature and PBFT algorithm. The specific information can be referred to the Asch white paper.

Any Asch investor can be registered as a delegate,but only the top 101 can forge blocks.

The stability of 101 delegates is the top priority of Asch DPOS, and the delegates should take on more responsibilities while enjoying the benefits of Asch bonus. Delegates who do not act or make contribution will be eliminated by the community. At the same time, Asch team will gradually withdraw all votes and transfer the community rights to the community.

3. Delegate income and dividend mechanism

Every time the Asch delegate node produces a block, there will be three tokens reward at this stage.

Dividend mechanism:

At this stage: the delegates are entitled to 80% of forging income and the other 20% is owned by the Asch community foundation.

Special note: At this stage, 80% of forging income is given to the delegates, hoping to inspire the delegates to make a greater contribution to the development of Asch and the other 20% is provided to the community fund. On the one hand, it takes into account the current situation of 101delegates. On the other hand, it is in order to promote the development of the Asch community, the community fund is of long-term strategic significance.

4. The open and transparent mechanism of the 101 delegates.

1. At the end of each month, 101 delegates and any community members of the community wishing to run for the 101-delegate should submit their own contributions for this month at the Asch forum, including: completed matters, matters for follow-up and plans for next month. The monthly contributions submitted by all members will remain permanently in the forum. All voting members are able to see all the monthly contributions made by the delegates (or competing delegates) in the forum and decide whether to vote for them.

2. Asch team will synchronize all the contribution information to Asch community.

3. Asch team’s voting function is designed to win more community votes for the 101 candidates who make outstanding contributions and are willing to make public announcements.

4. Nodes can remain anonymous, but it does not mean inaction. 101 delegates enjoy the forging rights and profitability, and community members also have the rights to know about the contributions delegates make to the development of the Asch community as well as the voting rights to support their own approved delegates. The Asch community will always welcome and support people with better ideas and deeds to participate in the competition of the Asch community 101 delegates.

5. Competition system of 101 delegates

Threshold: Community members will no longer be required to have specific number of holdings or lock their wallets when campaigning for 101 delegates. That is, the competition of 101 delegates is zero-threshold.

In addition, all those who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the Asch community or who want to contribute can actively apply to be the 101 delegates.

Contributions include but not limited to: technology development, operation planning, resource docking, project cooperation, capital introduction and so on.

6. How to get votes from other users

Asch is a rapidly growing community, and community development can not be achieved without the joint efforts of community members. The delegates can, according to their ability, contribute their strength in technology development, operation, promotion, marketing and social resources. Based on these contributions, the delegates can go to the community for canvassing, referring to the competition system of Asch delegates (elimination system). If you enter the top 101, you can get the rights of forging blocks and obtain the corresponding benefits.

