What goes inside an Anti-Modi mind!

11 min readJun 13, 2018


How many times have you come across such questions or statements storming social media ?

1. Where are Acche Din?
2. Where are my 15 Lacs Rs?
3. Where is Vikas?
4. What about 1 crore jobs as Modi promised in 2014?
5. Why Modi is silent on Kathua rape case?
6. Why Modi following a person celebrating Gauri Lankesh murder?
7. Why Modi is banning Beef?
8. Why Modi is silent on Lynching of Muslims by Gau rakshak?
9. Why is BJP imposing Hindi in South?

The persons who ask these questions like a loop are normal people like you and i with a difference that they hate Modi, not his policies, they literally hate Modi for no good reasons. In the back of their mind,this is a constant reminder when they see any good thing about Modi, i have to hate it, i have to dislike it or i have to make fun of it somehow..it’s second thought hidden behind their consciousness which keep them energized all time to prove that Modi is the worst PM we ever had.

Have you ever tried answering to any of the questions above by a Modi hater,or tried having a constructive argument? a Modi hater or ModiPhobic generally does 1 of the two things below or both when u start the conversation about the subject.

1st,they start making statements like …

10. Democracy is in great danger!
11. Rafael deal is a scam! Modi is corrupt!
12. Petrol prices are on record high under Modi where it is cheap in other countries!
13. Minorities are not safe under BJP/Modi!
14. Modi is responsible for Gujarat riots 2002!
15. Modi is Communal and divisive that’s why i hate him!
16. Modi once refuse to wear skull cap, he is anti Muslim!
17. Modi is Anti Dalit, He is changing SC/ST law!
18. Modi’s policies are anti farmer! Highest no of farmers committing suicide everywhere under BJP ruling states!
19. Modi development model is a failure!
20. Demonetization is a failure!
21. GST is a failure!
22. Bullet train idea is rediculous!
23. Modi is responsible for promoting Hindutva!
24. Modi helped corrupt businessman flea the country!
25. Modi has done nothing nut Jumlas(Hollow Promises)!
26. Modi is only spending Money travelling around the world always!
27. Modi is a Fascist!


2nd, They will start calling you “Modi Bhakt” or “Andh Bhakt” with lots of laughing emojis to make them feel of higher intellect and iQ then yours & make it look like they won the argument at the end because they seems happy.This also gives a feel of winning satisfaction as in their mind they hate Modi and by using word “Bhakt” for person supporting Modi is like a BrahmaAstra (Super-weapon) to win the battle,More physiological satisfaction for ModiPhobic .

But 1 thing is common that they will never put their arguments based on a data set, that’s their weakness.They will try to prove their point by using memes , that to created by some x,y,z persons whom they don’t know most of the times or who doesn’t have a reputation in the subject matters. Like these haters become Economist,Policy Experts,Constitutional experts,defense experts, budget experts overnight.I call them “Seasonal experts” and their purpose is to prove Modi has destroyed India.

Since the time BJP has come in power, the government is continuously under lot of criticism. If you follows Indian politics,in last few years, you would have noticed that Modi government have faced the highest criticism in last 4 years compare to any other government since independence specially compare to UPA for their 10 years tenure. Beyond the criticism,there has been a surge of Modi hate in recent past years. What could really make people hate him so much and what specifically people hate him for ? It’s simple, these ModiPhobic people hate him for everything he does. For them Modi has done nothing other then dividing India and Jumlas.

I have had multiple such interactions with my social media and what-app friends when they oppose imaginary issues and i almost concluded that hatred is an emotion that is driven by impulse. Logic doesn’t play any role and facts don’t matter. There will be multiple mentions of the 2002 riots and 15 Lacs every time apart from other things, however i could explained to my friends that the courts have given clean chit to Narendra Modi in 2012 and Mr. Modi in his speech never promised to give 15 Lac Rs to every person and there is clear proof available of that speech on You tube but every time my Modi hater friends chicken out with a silence.

The men and women, specially reporters and journalists who seem to have made a living out of hating Narendra Modi publicly is unprecedented,Jignesh Mevani,Kanhaiya Kumar,Ravish Kumar,Rajdeep Sardesai,his wife Sagarika Ghose,Dhruv Rathee,Prashant Bhushan are few names you would find are very famous in their area and have a huge fan base. Their followers love their blame-game, harsh criticism and hateful speeches against Modi and their number keeps growing. I have noticed personally in recent times, you can be more famous overnight by putting out a tweet demonizing or blaming Modi for x,y,z reasons on your Social media account call it FB or Twitter. ModiPhobic followers buys the idea easily as they find comfort in reading such comments because they themselves hate the man. I have around 100+ FB friends who are minorities in India (70+ Muslims) and surprisingly the strange thisng is that almost 90% of them(Indians) follows ModiPhobic lobby. This ModiPhobic or Anti-Modi Lobby consists of politicians,Lawyers,Journos,Activists,NGO etc. Later in this article i will explain how this Anti Modi haters are well connected and trying to spread hate for Modi with every single opportunity.They are actually not the real critic of Government policies who likes to use constructive criticism but they actually in reality literally hate Modi.

Modi haters have also invented a tag for Modi supporters as “Bhakt”(Devotee of a deity) or “Andh Bhakt” (Blind devotee of a deity) to intimidate people who agree with Modi’s policies or Appreciate or Support Modi. You may be independent apolitical person but if you say Modi did good for the country,you will be stormed with Anti Modi hate and will be tagged as Bhakt by your own friends who hates Modi. This is happening everywhere in India today. These people have nothing to do with development or policies but they enjoy calling Modi supporters as Bhakt or forwarding Modi Jokes or memes across Whats-app, FB and Twitter. The constructive criticism is not in their dictionary book.

One thing is for sure, their attacks have ensured that he stays in the minds of all Indian citizens 24x7. Modi haters can be categorize in wide range however they are all part of an Eco System which has been working for few decades since Congress have had all the power and Money to build it as they were Ruling India for almost 65 years.Let’s understand the threat with a flow diagram below.

Eco System :

I would subcategories to be clear and then tell their Symptoms.

This is an big umbrella for Politicians,Intellectuals, historians, liberals,NGOs, Human rights Organizations, Animal rights organizations like Peta India,Seperatists, Azadi(Tukde-Tukde)Gang, Churches,Muslim personal Law boards,Khalistani Supporters,Self-righteous News Paper editor’s/TV anchors/Reporters/Journalists/Bloggers, “I am Secular Lobby” etc.

The major funding comes from overseas where parties with vested interests like Vatican/Islamic organisations/NGOs are keen in destabilizing Indian economy from within or through various agendas to divide India and to suppress the Strong hold of BJP as a ruling party as BJP is targeting these foreign funding recently.Also there has been looted tax payers money over few decades by ruling parties via various scams helps to feed the Eco Systems when required.

Since 2014 many opposition parties who lost badly against BJP have been trying to distort Modi’s image and undermine reputation in India and world wide by uniting against Modi and BJP ,by spreading Modi hate and making bizarre comments against him. These are politically motivated individuals to gain political mileage and overthrow Modi at any cost in 2019 general elections. They are ModiPhobic and fear the incoming general elections in 2019 considering Modi’s popularity is growing within Indian and worldwide. They are hijacking peaceful protests by a common man and turning into a complete chaos by making hateful speeches, inciting riots ,destroying public properties and infusing hate and violence. All the riots and protests have happened since 2014 in BJP ruling states only and there is a pattern where Congress activists seen doing the damage at the cost of common poor people sufferings.

The most dangerous parties who wants to destroy Modi are Congress,Communist (CPIM),TMC,AAP etc. These political parties are so desperate and restless that their leaders have made bizarre comments for Narendra Modi in public speeches like calling him Yamraj, Maut ka saudaagar, Ravan, Gandi Naali ka Keeda, Monkey, Gangu Teli, Gali ka Gunda, Chaywala, Feku, Neech aadmi etc. Clearly these Modi haters are willing to cross miles just to make sure Modi never comes to power again as they know their existence will be lost forever.They have been the ruling for many decades and everyone had freedom to live like a king with corruption.No one dared to ask as all dots were connected to ‘Eco System’.Every one had their share fixed and this whole establishment was working like a well oiled machine. Political parties in power were feeding news to Media House with their agenda,news papers would print it,TV anchors, reporters, Journos would do the fine job to propagate there political agenda with a biased view favoring them through Breaking live on TV, debates , tweets and blogging and were feeding to the common man. Everyone used to get their fair share Money,Land,International Trips,Fame,Awards and all were a big happy living family for few decades. People in the chain were never questioned as the hand that used to feed this entire ecosystems was ruling parties like congress. Everyone used to get their piece of cherry pie for turning and twisting the facts and presenting in favor of govt. or in less damaging way for ruling party. They were never criticized or challenged by a common man.

Since the rise of BJP in 2014, Modi has send a clear message, he has broken the backbone of this ‘Eco System’ and sent a clear message “Na Khaoonga, Na khane Doonga” (Won’t take bribe and wont’ let anyone take it for doing their job).

Though this Eco system still exists today but it’s completely exposed.People are able to see through it,how a biased news is propagated and agendas are created withing India and overseas by using the establishments .

Modi threatens their very existence today and have stopped the flow of money to this Eco Systems via reforming corruption laws, demonetization,GST, Benamy Property etc. Cash mafia was totally sabotage after demonetization which was controlling the market specially Real State.My own villa which i bought in 2013 with over 1 crore INR has 20% less worth today as a result of Cash Mafia was swept away after Demonetization and GST. Though it’s a big loss for me, i support the decision as it will bring ease to new purchasers. Imagine the loss to those politicians who have had stashed their houses to buy and sell now they hate Modi for his decisions.

Let’s look at the typical Psychology and mindset of a Modi hater/ModiPhobic when you encounter one !

  1. For Them whatever Modi says or does is wrong.
  2. They love sharing Modi memes all the time over SM, it makes them happy.
  3. Just to oppose Modi, they will support any Tom dick and harry who speak against Modi.
  4. They are like a deadlock ,Where is my 15Lacs? 2002 Gujarat riots!No Employment! Petrol! GDP!Rafael deal!Democracy is in danger! Lynching!Hindutva extremists! Repeat….. They can never come out of this loop no matter how hard you try to convince them. Logic makes no sense to them.
  5. Any parties victory against BJP brings tremendous happiness to them no matter their own party might have fought against that party.
  6. They always tells Modi is anti minority and play divide and rule. They never agrees despite Modi and BJP has been working for minorities only.
  7. 90% Minorities doesn’t support BJP & never had supported in past.They hate Modi as Modi is a Symbolism of ‘Hindutva’ & ‘Hindu Nationalism’ & they have allergy with these words doesn’t matter they know the meaning or not!
  8. These haters don’t have a tolerance limit between Opposing Modi and opposing the Nation. They are often found crossing the line while opposing Modi and ends up opposing nation(‘Bharat tere tukde honge’, ‘Pakistan Jindabad’, ‘Jinnah Jindabad’ , calling kashmir ‘Indian occupied kashmir’, ‘Deny singing Nathional Anthem’).
  9. They are so full of hate that in the name of protest,they destroy poor men’s shops, vegetables,grains,Milk, torch public properties and vehicles just to protest against Modi. They have no empathy for a common man.
  10. Modi haters can’t digest facts and data, They always have counter question no matter if irrelevant. They just have to oppose the facts.
  11. When they see India and people around them are doing so well under Modi within country and on the international platform ,they try to always call it ‘Jumlas’ and call him ‘Feku’.
  12. When people praises Modi for good work, Modi haters find solace in blaming Modi and calling these people Modi Bhakt. That’s the only way they can calm their nerves and feel happy.
  13. Some haters are so bigoted that they have problem with Hindutva, they can’t think beyond blaming Hindutva for every single Rape and they hold Modi & BJP/RSS accountable for inciting Communal divide where as BJP/RSS never talk about religion. But haters ignores other parties communal statements, public speeches.
  14. They never oppose against wrongdoing of parties like congress, AAP,TMC,RJD etc because they can’t be seen siding with BJP questioning opposition parties so they keep quiet.
  15. These haters have a mentality to always blame Modi/BJP for every rape,killing, riot,personal dispute happens anywhere in India. Modi is quite, Modi is following an abuser on social media. They forget that these issues are under responsibility of state but they never dare to ask this question to any state specially in Karnataka, Tamilnad and Kerala where ruling is opposition parties.

In nut shell, the life of a Modi hater and Modi Phobic person is miserable as they think of Modi while sleeping, while talking, during Social media or doing their regular work. They just can’t take off their mind thinking anything but Modi. In my personal experience, A Modi hater on average use word“Modi” on at least 3–4 times more then a normal “Bhakt” use “Modi” in a normal day life.I can only assume it’s the Modi hate which makes them restless and miserable that they so relentlessly try to bring his image down though on contrary they keep making him More popular and famous.I like what Michele Obama had said during 2016 US elections , “When they go low, We goes high” !

So when you come across a Modi hater, let them dive as low as they can to intimidate you, You never react but if you do,either respond with facts and data or just sit back and relax.




Once your inner-self awakens & your mindset changes,everything on the outside changes alone with it!