Comparison of Email Marketing Software 2019

Aashish Sharma
Published in
5 min readJan 11, 2019

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Among the essential tools for the marketing strategy of companies, the emailing software is one of the important points. Indeed, the use of this type of software allows companies to create personalized emails and send newsletters. Created more than 20 years ago, AWeber e-mailing software is now one of the main tools in this market.

Used by many companies, this email marketing software has improved their development and performance.

A major player in the sector

Founded in 1998 by Tom Kulzer, AWeber is today one of the leading marketing email software on the market. Used by more than 100,000 small businesses and SMEs, this software offers a service adapted to current needs and provides optimal solutions to improve its marketing strategy in the market.

Thanks to a good reputation in the field, AWeber is today chosen by many entrepreneurs to accompany them in their daily work.

A powerful marketing strategy software

The main goal of AWeber is to enable companies to generate more revenue through an improvement in their marketing strategy. Designed specifically for entrepreneurs and small businesses, this software provides a powerful autoresponder system. Simple and reliable to use, this autoresponder makes it possible to automatically answer the requests of a prospect during the consultation of the website of the company.

With this software, users can automate the sending of emails to their contacts and ensure their deliverability through a recognized and efficient system. Easy to use, AWeber software is now recognized for its reliability and reliability which makes it one of the main tools on the market.

Thanks to powerful technical support, companies can also improve their internet projects as well as their emailing campaigns.

Warning: as for its competitors MailChimp and Campaign Monitor, it is essential to have good knowledge of English because it is not available in French.

The features of AWeber

In order to offer the most efficient service to its users, AWeber is constantly evolving and offers functionalities adapted to the current needs of companies. Among the different functions of AWeber, we find:

  • Automating the sending of emails
  • Contact Management
  • Precise ranking of contacts
  • Statistical monitoring tools
  • A / B Testing compare two messages or two contact forms
  • Technical assistance

Due to its reliable and efficient service, AWeber enjoys a very good reputation today, making it one of the most used software on the market today.

The AWeber tariff

Aimed at small businesses, AWeber offers its service at a reasonable price. Different formulas are thus proposed to best adapt to the needs of each user. Several tariffs are thus proposed according to the number of contacts:

  • 0–500: $ 19 / month
  • 2,501–5,000: $ 49 / month
  • 10,001–25,000: $ 149 / month
  • More than 25,000: on an estimate

Thanks to an adapted price according to the needs of each one, AWeber allows to profit from an efficient service while paying a reasonable price and in adequacy with its situation.

Advantages of AWeber

The fact that Weber is one of the most used software at the moment is not a coincidence. Indeed, over the years, this software has developed its service and build a very good reputation on the web. Among the different strengths of this software are:

  • Clear and easy to use interface
  • Very good email deliverability
  • A permanent improvement of the functionalities

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In order to maximize the activity of your company, it is important to have a good organization of your daily work.

To facilitate the work of your employees, you have the choice between many marketing software including emailing.

An e-mailing software used all over the world

Since its inception, this company has grown and now has offices around the world: Nashville, Sydney, Indianapolis, San Francisco, London.

With this international experience, this company now offers software tailored to the needs of all businesses.

For this reason, more than 200,000 companies rely today on Campaign Monitor to support them in their daily marketing management. The use of this software to implement a marketing strategy allows its users to improve their business and attract a maximum of customers.

A tool adapted to the needs of all companies

Regardless of the business sector, Campaign Monitor perfectly adapts to the needs of each user to enable them to set up an effective marketing campaign.

Today, companies must adopt a real marketing strategy, in order to increase their performance. Through the creation of personalized emails, users can significantly improve their impact and better communicate around their business.

Campaign Monitor makes it possible to create and personalize its emails in order to obtain a clean design and adapted to the desires of each one. Implementing a personalized marketing campaign makes it possible to improve the relevance of its emails and to reach a wider audience. By choosing this software, companies also benefit from a team of experts at their service to support them in their choice and in their marketing strategy to set up.

The features of Campaign Monitor

Easy to use, Campaign Monitor is accessible to the greatest number and does not require any particular knowledge in the field. Thanks to its experience and its international development, this software now has functions adapted to the needs of each individual.

Among the services offered by this software, users benefit from different features to manage their activity:

  • Advertising by email adapted to all media
  • Marketing automation
  • Customizing marketing campaigns
  • Managing contact lists and targeting potential customers
  • Creation of registration forms
  • Statistical reports and performance analyzes
  • Integration with professional applications
  • 24-hour assistance service

Thanks to its simple use and fast integration, Campaign Monitor is now one of the best software on the market. It allows all types of companies to set up a powerful and personalized marketing strategy.

Advanced options of this software

By choosing this software for their day-to-day business, users benefit from a complete service and have different advanced options to carry out marketing campaigns in an effective and relevant way. Some of the advanced options offered include:

  • Performance reports
  • Transaction emails
  • Subscriber activity
  • Customer segmentation

Campaign Monitor rates

Depending on the needs of each company, Campaign Monitor offers different types of subscription with adapted services and prices:

  • Basic: $ 9 / month
  • Unlimited: $ 29 / month
  • First: $ 149 / month

The strengths of Campaign Monitor

The implementation of an effective and relevant marketing strategy is now a necessity for all companies. With Campaign Monitor, users benefit from a service adapted to their needs and service of experts to advise them best in their communication.

Among this offering, Campaign Monitor is a powerful marketing authoring software used by many companies around the world. By choosing this email editing software, you can easily customize your emails and set up an effective marketing strategy.


Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.