How to Digitize Customer Relationship?

Aashish Sharma
Latest Technology News
3 min readDec 5, 2016

With clients increasingly mobile and borrows various channels in their buying journey, digitize customer relations is a strategic imperative for companies. A digital shift that inbound marketing and marketing glad are able to take in all brands, and successfully.

As part of a broader approach that is the inbound marketing , the content marketing is an ideal discipline to digitize the relationship of a brand with its consumers, customers. For producing and disseminating the content quality, valuable content, engaging, informative, and entertaining or even the company creates a digital nature of the relationship with its customers. A quality relationship that uses the digital vector to communicate with its customers. The contact points have become multiple between a consumer and a brand, content marketing is the natural choice as a web marketing the weapon of choice to introduce this digital relationship.


Marketing happy and able to perfectly meet the major challenges of the digitized customer relationship because the brand created a relationship of trust, proximity, it builds its credibility with its customers, it arouses their interest, captures their attention. A lasting relationship can then engage a digital connection that can even improve the relationship between a brand and its customers.

The challenges of today’s customer relationship? Providing its customers valuable content, informative, engaging and contact it via a multitude of digital media. This is the purpose of marketing content. Integrated marketing glad in a strategy of inbound marketing is digitizing the cornerstone of the customer relationship.


The digital offers a wide range of media that can develop a high digital customer relationship.

The blog of a website on the subject a central tool alongside social networks. The business blog allows publishing of varied content (articles, videos, books-white studies, computer graphics …) and attractive. And offers a perfect response to the expectations of today’s customers. Social networks also make it possible to relay and disseminate as many contents published on the blog. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other G + are particularly gateways, points of unavoidable contact between a brand, its customers, and prospects.

But other points of contact are to take to digitize its customer relations. The email remains a strong vector to generate leads , convert them into customers and ensure their loyalty. The tools of marketing automation as such may represent a welcome technical assistance. Ditto for CRM offering to analyze customer relations and work on.

And it is also quite possible to use the new chat and customer relationship modules integrated to websites: the click to chat , click-to-call and another web call back are all technical solutions that keep permanent contact with its customers using the web vector.

Digitize the relationship customer has become an imperative, rely on the springs of inbound marketing in general and particularly pleased marketing is the solution of choice to achieve this. Your turn this challenge!

Originally published at Mab Tech Blog.



Aashish Sharma
Latest Technology News

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.