Supinfo Raises Awareness About Blockchain Technology

Aashish Sharma
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

Raise awareness among students and professionals about the stakes and the role of blockchain technology in our region. With this in mind, the SupInfo Morocco computer science school recently organized an educational and informative conference at its campus in Casablanca. An event that brought together a parterre of more than 200 participants and was led by Nizar Saadane, one of the first specialists in the field.

The blockchain is more exactly a transparent and secure technology for transmitting and storing information. “A new digital revolution that eliminates the need to rely on a trusted third party,” says Saadane. The tool allows a company to manage its activities as well as its data without intermediary and without the presence of a central authority.

A technology particularly used in the fields of insurance and health. The blockchain is indeed very useful and beneficial to verify the traceability and authenticity of clinical results or drugs, we learn. It is also an ideal tool to fight against fraud and crime. “This technology can store data containing key information about former criminals and current terrorists,” says the specialist.

The event also enlightened students on the value of using such technology for Morocco. The blockchain should, first of all, make it possible to modernize the administrations of the Kingdom and to generate a consequent saving of time. The use of such a tool would also generate significant savings that can be invested in key sectors, including health or education.

On the occasion of the meeting, the establishment also announced the official launch of the first laboratory dedicated to this new technology under our skies. The latter, led by Nizar Saadane, will conduct studies and tests on the various uses of the blockchain in companies and administrations of the country.

Nizar Saadane is one of the first blockchain experts in Morocco. Founding director of the SNTC firm in Paris and working in prestigious French schools including EM Grenoble and Inseec, he graduated in finance from the Paris School of Business.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.