The Plural Commitment Of Employees, An Asset For The Company

Aashish Sharma
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2018

Employees may feel upset when they do business associative activities and yet they can be extremely beneficial to the company. A commitment to an association, a person in difficulty or even for a cause can generate real satisfaction. It is then a question of improving the quality of life of the employees but also of putting forward its company through a better image of the mark.

6 out of 10 employees are engaged on a daily basis

In an OpinionWay survey for the Observatoire de engagement, 1,000 employees were asked about their commitment to the community and their willingness to see their company join this movement. The “plural” commitment is to define the participation, the volunteering of a person with an association, a loved one as a caregiver, a political party or a solidarity or humanitarian project. Among the respondents, 6 out of 10 employees say they are “engaged” in the private sphere. Mostly, they are part of an association (41%) while the others at 31%, they help a loved one. For the rest, 24% are involved in political or union life and 21% participate in a solidarity or humanitarian project. In the private sphere, engaging automatically generates benefits for employees. They are relatively satisfied with these experiences through encounters, knowledge, know-how, energy provided as well as fulfillment.

By participating in commendable initiatives, engagement helps a person feel useful. But for 48% of employees, their company is not aware and 42% only talk to their colleagues. Managers and management remain very little informed about this type of action outside the company. Employees feel they are not sufficiently understood by their hierarchy if they wish to take time for commitments. 51% of them consider generating a negative reaction (penalization, refusal, deterrence) to the employer following a request for exceptional leave, flexibility or part-time to take time in their engagement.

Commitment in the workplace, a wish of employees

Employees would sometimes like to be involved even more in solidarity actions but they lack time or organization. Although these are activities outside the company, they can have many positive benefits for the employee but also for the structure. In the OpinionWay study, 73% of employees surveyed attest to the legitimacy of their company to put such actions in place. Among the initiatives that may be relevant for employees, 42% want to set up specific holidays with days devoted to solidarity with an association or their relative as a caregiver. For 33%, it would be interesting to grant a day of solidarity (a day during which employees work on a project for an association). As for 27% of them, they believe that skills sponsorship might seem relevant within a company.

… still few initiatives on the part of companies

Despite a massive desire of employees for the implementation of corporate solidarity actions. They are still few to choose this type of initiative. Of the employees, 55% are aware of an initiative within their company. For 20%, it is solidarity race. It allows employees to participate together in a race for the benefit of an association. Other initiatives such as special leave and days of solidarity remain in the minority, with 19% and 14% respectively of companies taking these solidarity actions.

A satisfactory effect for employees

The plural commitment of the employees can be a real advantage for the employees but also for the company. Employees come out satisfied with these initiatives, they generate positive energy, pride, relational skills. Not only do these actions help associations, people in difficulty or can indirectly finance projects but they also bring an added value to your employees. Solidarity activities open the mind and also provide pride for employees. By enabling such activities within a company, they will be excited about doing the right thing. These initiatives can also enable a better brand image.

Advantages for the company

For the company to engage in solidarity initiatives can have an advantage in terms of brand image but also productivity. By being present on events like races, it is possible to communicate on the aid granted by the company but also on associations to bring them visibility. A company will improve its brand image by showing itself as concerned about social issues. It is a question of choosing voluntary employees for these actions, they will be truly motivated and serious in the application of their mission. On the whole, allowing employees to engage in day-to-day solidarity actions really helps the company in its productivity.

Commitment to employees helps to promote good actions for associations but also to improve the quality of life at work. Committed employees will be all the more motivated and they will convey a good image of the company through their actions. Setting up solidarity leave, solidarity days or even participating in foot races for an association can enable your company to display its values ​​and culture and also highlight social initiatives. You will have everything to gain by embarking on a commitment to solidarity with your company.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.