Together We Can Change the World

Ashley Mayberry
4 min readAug 3, 2022


Being who we are meant to be before we were altered and had to conform to society, and the environment in order to survive is how we can change the world.

Unlearning the garbage we were fed is what I always hear the “gurus” say. But how the hell do we “unlearn” something? That’s the trick they don’t give out for free, making you pay for something that you can learn years later if you just applied yourself to understand.

It’s not that simple, and quite frankly I want to see the world a better place for free because knowledge is and always should be free. Profiting off it isn’t my thing, it makes me unhappy.

The key to the world is yourself, and by that, I honestly mean it’s just you. Go look in the mirror and say hi, because your body and brain are listening always.

Getting to understand you again is the first step to making the world a better place. You form a friendship with your brain and body, giving yourself the best it can have, and be nice to yourself.

If you aren’t nice to yourself, how can you be nice to other people? People pleasers are making someone else thrive while feeding their desire to find others to “do their bidding of taking away boundaries” and this is an ongoing process, meaning you aren’t helping yourself or others.

It all starts with YOU.

Understand your likes, and dislikes, what makes you excited and makes you utterly sick to your stomach. Fully embrace your emotions and mental thoughts to better understand you.

Breaking into self-knowledge will help you on the lifelong journey of creating a happier more healthy version of the world. See the world through a lighter scope and your life will soon take a turn for the better.

Why does the news show nothing be negative stories? Why do people feed off negative happenings to other people? Because when someone falls, it lets us know we still have a fighting chance but the happiness of someone's downfall is short-lived and were back to being miserable again.

These negatives are to entice us to sit still and freeze, stay frozen, and don’t move. Keeping you in a negative aspect of life will make you have a tainted world through your eyes.

You are allowing the world to choose your perception of how you see things, and not even realize it. Don’t believe me? Let me give you a challenge that requires you to go ghost for a while.

The challenge

  • No Social Media for a month. Go cold turkey, this is the only way. No electronics, no tv, no Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat Stories (only submit streaks and that is it). I mean absolutely go ghost on social media or any electronics. No movies, tv shows, nothing!

If you need to work on a computer for a living, that's fine, but only for work, or maybe ordering food. Nothing with news articles, no medium, nothing! You want to not sway your thoughts by someone else’s words and way of thinking.

  • Exclude from gossip, catch yourself and change the subject. Or remove yourself from the discussion.
  • Find off-electronic hobbies, maybe go to the park and breathe in the fresh air. Keep your mind busy from thinking about your Instagram or Twitter etc…
  • Write down 3 things you were happy about every day for a whole month. Pen and paper/notebook work perfectly. (you can use your phone notes or computer note-taking app and that's it! But it’s best to handwrite it.)
  • You can play a video game unless it makes you rage, cuss, or feel angry in any way. We are trying to eliminate stress, and it must be single-player, no multiplayer allowed.

Do this for a month, and come back to tell me how it went. Start with a week, or just the weekends. Work your way up, and if you mess up it's fine to catch yourself and shut it down without splurging.

You will enjoy less stress, worry, and anger from the things you don’t agree with the world about. You will become happier with less garbage being spewed out at you.

Now once you have removed the distractions, take this mindset and keep leveling yourself up, keep making yourself happy. You will then bleed into others to make the changes as they will see you and want to live the life you do.

Let them practice, give them the steps you took to be a better you, and watch them flourish just like you have/will. If due time this will multiply and together we will make an impact to change the world one eye scope at a time.

Perception links to your reality. Make it the best you can for yourself.

Be Happy, you Deserve it!

Thanks for reading my blog! I write about solutions to reactive situations, causes of mental health, and spirituality with all its blessings. These are my own experiences that I have sat down to think about and wanted to help others while telling my story giving breakdowns of becoming a better human.

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As always, thanks for reading, together we will make the world a better place!



Ashley Mayberry

Breaking down uncomfortable situations, thoughts, and emotions. Self-Boosting Guides to Become the Best Version of You.