Please Stop Judging People

Ashley Winn
2 min readMay 29, 2018

We live in a society today where some people in the world judge people because of either what they did or whatever other reason. Judging someone is the biggest waste of your time and your better off investing in your time towards helping yourself grow and achieving your goals that you set for yourself. Don’t judge people because you do not know what capabilities they have and you do not know what they are going through at this present moment. Who cares if someone made a mistake, move on with your life because it was not your mistake to dwell on. They made the mistake and they learn from it. Don’t make the situation worse by judging the person that made the mistake because we all make mistake from time to time and we are all human. We are not perfect humans, always remember that when you experience that temptation to judge someone based on their mistake. Don’t judge if a person that you do not appreciate is spreading negative vibes and being a bad role model for children, go out there is spread positive vibes and be the best role model that you can be for the world. Don’t waste your time judging someones bad behaviour, just focus on developing and growing you. Invest your time doing great things for this world not waste time judging and worrying about what some YouTuber is making a diss track about or what stupid trend is appearing on YouTube. Your time is valuable and do not waste it on things that is completely meaningless. At the end of the day, these YouTuber that spread negativity are just polluting the world and it is up to you to add that fresh air of positive vibes and greatness into the world. Make people feel inspired to live their dreams and visions by the positive words that come out of your mouth and don’t spread anymore negativity in the world by judging people. Don’t judge people, create dope things that will last forever.



Ashley Winn

Health & Fitness Coach | Business Leader | Writer | Entrepreneurial Thinker