Understanding Yourself

Ashley Winn
2 min readSep 25, 2018

In today’s society, it so important to understand yourself on a personal and professional level. On a personal level, understanding what you like and don’t like about life is key in setting up your life goals towards the ideal life you want to live in the future. If you don’t know what you personally like and don’t like, then your vision towards what lifestyle you are trying to achieve to live will become very unclear and uninspiring. Always consistently note down in your mind what you like about life and get rid of the things that you don’t like in your life. I personally hate negative people and I had many experiences with getting my energy sucked out due to negative people surrounding me. I made a mental note in my mind not to associate with any negative people that are going to drain my energy. That’s what I personally understand about myself based on my past experience. On a professional level, understanding what your strength are, what you love to do to pass the time, and what your weaknesses are is an important thing to think about if you want to achieving your work goals and continue climbing up that ladder of success. Some people in the world focus heavily on improving their weaknesses for many years without any improvements, it is best to stop working on that weakness and instead focus on what your good at and master your craft at that. I personally hate accounting because to me I find it hard to do and it is just not for me. I understand on a professional level that it is not worth my time working on my weakness of doing accounting because I am better off investing my time towards mastering my craft in the things that I am good at. It’s also important to understand yourself on a physical level by identifying when to stop work when your feeling tired or fatigued, and when your not feeling your best today. Understanding that will help you to avoid burnout and any illness that will affect your productivity in the future.



Ashley Winn

Health & Fitness Coach | Business Leader | Writer | Entrepreneurial Thinker