#MyEntrePoint: Joey Ling

Asia Female Entrepreneurs
4 min readAug 21, 2020


A daring and dashing mother — Joey Ling

Love and Love Wedding and Events

Moving into a new career without relevant experience may seem daunting to many of us. But, not for Joey Ling. Joey is a mother of a little boy and also the owner of Love and Love Weddings and Events. Before embarking on her entrepreneurial journey in the wedding space, she was an investment banker who specialises in shares-investment and future and options. Mind you, her educational background — Food Science and Technology has got nothing to do with any of her career that she had pursued.

“I got bored with the old and traditional way of wedding. I like the idea of spicing things up to make it seem more fun and creative rather than the conventional way. That’s how Love and Love Weddings and Events was born,” said Joey. She has always been inspired by the awe-inspiring themes coming from other parts of the world. However, not everything went smooth sailing when she first started — the partnership that she initially had did not work out. But, that did not stop her to continue to pursue her dreams.

It took her multiple attempts and approaches to figure things out during her entrepreneurial journey while working as an investment banker at the same time. “It is not easy to become an entrepreneur. I have to figure things out on my own and be very careful with every single step that I have to take to bring my business forward when I first started. Now that I have a team of my own, I would like to empower and groom them to achieve greater heights together with the company. Because working alone will only bring you so far but with a team, you can go further,” Joey explained.

As an entrepreneur and a mother, Joey has received numerous recognition for her masterpiece, winning several awards, including “International Prestige Emerging Brand of The Year 2020 Award”. She was also featured in various platforms such as The TallyPress and The Wedding Vow noting that she is one of the Malaysia’s Top 10 Wedding Planners.

When asked about where she gets her inspirations from, she shared that Pinterest and Instagram are her all time go-to sources to help her to obtain the latest trend and information around the world. She also asserted that it is important to keep herself abreast with the changing trends as wedding trends change very often. With the presence of social media, wedding trends spread more quickly and young couples often seek for something new and fresh when it comes to wedding planning.

If she had a time machine that allows her to go back in time to visit her younger self, she would advise herself to be more daring and explore around for more opportunities.

“There is no need to be afraid of the consequences for every decision or action that you are going to make. Because if you never try, you may never know what results come of your actions,” said Joey.

As Joey mentioned earlier, being an entrepreneur is not an easy journey. But as a mother of one and an entrepreneur herself, she will also have her own tough times while balancing both career and family at the same time. Most of the time, she needs to be able to multitask to ensure everything is well taken care of — including spending quality time with her family and having a healthy bonding session with her son. She also feels grateful to have a group of friends who share similar journey with her which makes her feel less lonely when it comes to sharing her experience and challenges.

A word of advice Joey would give to all the working mothers out there would be “Trust your guts and have confidence in what you do. Be flexible and just follow the flow as worrying too much will not help the situation. Remember to have some “me-time” for yourself.”

Joey is a mother of one and an entrepreneur who took a big leap of faith to continue to pursue her dreams despite facing multiple failures during her entrepreneurial journey. In addition, she also wants to empower others to lead change and achieve greater heights in what they do. She showed us that entrepreneurship can be tough when it first started out, but if a person is tough enough to brave the heat, you are one step closer to your dreams.



Asia Female Entrepreneurs

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