Mango — Health benefits for women

3 min readMay 30, 2016


Mangoes are in season and there are perhaps very women who would resist the urge to have mangoes. But there is a general misconception that mangoes are not good for health and cause weight gain. Here are some amazing things that mango can do for your health, and it definitely is not the cause of weight gain-

Fight breast cancer

Breast cancer is on the rise and the least you can do is make an attempt to eat healthy. Mangoes are rich in uercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, along with a range of enzymes that are known for reducing your cancer risks. In fact the antioxidants in the mangoes fight free radicals. As per research, women who consumed more of the fruit are at lower risks of getting breast cancer as compared to women who don’t.

Helps improve sex drive

Being a rich source of vitamin E, mangoes are known for improving and boosting sex drive. A recent study conducted in rats revealed that libido is enhanced by consuming mangoes. In particular, women who are undergoing hormonal changes benefit from eating this to boost or revive lost sex drive.

Fights constipation, especially during pregnancy

Not only is mango a wholesome food for all occasions, it is ideal to fight constipation. A lot of women tend to suffer from the issue of constipation, especially during their pregnancy periods. This further leads to issues like haemorrhoids. But consuming mangoes is a natural remedy for this. Just enjoy a fruit daily and see how quickly and smoothly your bowel functions get to action.

Can help fight PCOS and endometriosis

If you are rushing through everything and don’t have time to cope up with your nutritional needs, mangoes are perhaps a good solution. Being rich in vitamin C, E, A, etc. they provide you with a generous balance of nutrients. Yes a mango has about 100+ calories each but it also contains flavonoids like betacarotene, alphacarotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. With this nutritional boost, your problems like PCOS and endometriosis can be tackled too.

And the best way to consume this fruit would be to have it on its own, without any added sugar or preservatives. If you are making a shake out of the mangoes then use yogurt and honey instead. Remember that the calories come from these additional aspects and not from the generous and delicious mang

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