Teen Eating Disorder Recovery Center Encourages Less Judging

Chassity Angeny-Showalter
1 min readSep 24, 2016


People with eating disorders often feel that they are being judged by those around them. Whether it’s true or not, they believe people are evaluating their weight, their eating habits, etc. And often their response is to judge others in return. At our teen eating disorder recovery center, we encourage teens to break the cycle by not criticizing others, which helps them feel less criticized themselves.

Simply Experiencing Life

Judging others is a natural behavior. Instinctively we want to know if they are a threat to us or a potential friend or mate. Unfortunately, this behavior often takes a dark turn and we begin seeing danger where none exists, which in turn leads us to believe that others think the same of us.

So how do we become less judgmental and simply experience life without constantly evaluating all aspects of it? Here are some tips:


