Aspis Protocol Launches Beta Test Program for Asset Managers

3 min readMay 11, 2023


  • the Aspis Protocol: Before you start, make sure you understand how the Aspis Protocol works. You can learn more by reading our documentation or checking out our blog. This will help you understand what you’re doing and why it matters.
  • Create your investment vault: As a beta tester, you’ll need to create an investment vault on the Aspis Protocol platform. This is where you’ll manage your investments and make trades to rebalance your portfolio. The Aspis team will provide you with the first deposit to get started.
  • Start trading: Once you’ve created your investment vault, you can start making trades to rebalance your portfolio. It’s important to trade every day so that you can keep your portfolio up to date and respond to market changes. This will help you get a better understanding of how the platform works and how you can use it to manage your investments.
  • Participate in voting: As a beta tester, you’ll also have the opportunity to participate in votings to change the parameters of your investment vault. This will allow you to have a say in how your investments are managed and help you shape the future of the Aspis Protocol.
  • Share your results: As a beta tester, it’s important to share your results on social media so that others can see how the Aspis Protocol works and what it can do. This will also help you build a following and earn rewards from the Aspis team when the token is launched.
  • Stay engaged: Finally, it’s important to stay engaged with the Aspis team and other beta testers. This will help you learn more about the platform, get feedback on your investments, and stay up to date on the latest developments.

Why Join the Aspis Beta Test?

  • Get early access: By participating in the beta test, traders will get early access to the Aspis Protocol platform before it’s widely available. This will give them a head start in managing their investments and give them a competitive advantage.
  • Test the platform: Traders will have the opportunity to test the Aspis Protocol platform and provide feedback on its features, usability, and performance. This will help the Aspis team identify and fix any issues before releasing the platform to the public.
  • Learn new skills: Traders will be able to learn new skills and gain experience managing onchain funds. This can be valuable for their careers and can help them stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency industry.
  • Shape the future of the platform: As beta testers, traders will have the opportunity to provide feedback and influence the development of the Aspis Protocol platform. This can help ensure that the platform meets the needs of traders and investors and is optimized for success.
  • Earn rewards: Finally, by participating in the beta test, traders will have the chance to earn rewards from the Aspis team

How to join Aspis Beta Test

Apply to participate in the Aspis Beta test as a portfolio manager here.




Protocol for secure collective asset management in Web3