Portfolio Management Services Vs Mutual Funds

2 min readDec 11, 2023


Portfolio management services (PMS) are both popular options to invest in profit-making bonds and stocks. Although they’re both indirect ways of investing in the stock market, they each have distinct concepts and models.

It is crucial that investors gain the understanding core principles to be able to comprehend the way they function. To select an alternative that is more beneficial investors must first identify the major distinctions in PMS as well as mutual funds. This can also aid in settling the mutual fund vs pms debate.

Differentialities between the PMS Funds and Mutual Fund

Portfolio Management Service

Portfolio Management Services (PMS) is a custom Portfolio Management Service (PMS) is a customized service for managing portfolios. Experts who have experience managing investment portfolios offer the management of portfolios services. Investors sign an agreement with the portfolio manager the manager then aids them with tailoring the portfolio to suit the goals of their investments.

Most often, PMS products are divided into two types: discretionary and non-discretionary. In the case of discretionary PMS, a portfolio manager chooses the bonds and stocks and also the time of their purchase, according to his discretion.

A manager of the portfolio manager in a discretionary PMS is only able to suggest investment ideas for the client. The portfolio manager will execute transactions on behalf for the investors after the investor has formally given his consent.

Mutual Fund

Mutual funds pool funds from various customers and then invest the money into various assets, such as bonds or stocks, as well as instruments of the money market. It’s up the fund manager to choose which assets a mutual fund should purchase.

Do PMS offer more benefits then Mutual funds?

Both Mutual Funds and PMS are managed investment instruments that have advantages and disadvantages, as outlined in the table above. If investors with a strong amount of money are looking for an individualized and targeted portfolio (which is able to be adjusted on a the future on a time-to-time basis) They should opt for PMS. However, Mutual Funds are recommended for investors with a small amount of money who require expert advice, but don’t have a large amount to invest in and are happy with their general portfolio. Both PMS as well as Mutual Funds have the potential to beat the market in the long term For more information you can seek advice from an expert Financial Distributor.

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