What Is Bell’s Palsy? How Can It Be Cured

Susan George
3 min readApr 25, 2017


The word Bell’s palsy is another name for paralysis or weakness of the muscles that usually takes place on one side of your face. The damage to the facial nerve of one side of your face that controls muscles leads to face to droop. The sudden nerve damage can affect your sense of taste and the way you make tears and saliva. This condition is usually experienced suddenly, often overnight, and alternatively gets better on its own within a few weeks.

You can’t say that Bell’s palsy is not the direct result of a transient ischemic attack (TIA)or a stroke. While both stroke and TIA have the potential to cause facial paralysis, and there is no direct link between Bell’s palsy and either of these conditions. But the occurrence of sudden weakness on one side of your face needs to be checked by a doctor right away to rule out these more serious causes. In case if you still have any confusion then contact the experts of Urgent Care South Plainfield for better analysis and treatment.

Some of the Symptoms of Bell’s palsy include:

  • Dealing with the issue of droop as a result of Sudden weakness or paralysis on one side of your face. This is the major symptom. It can even make the situation hard for you to close your eye on that side of your face.
  • Dealing with the condition of Drooling.
  • Eye issues, such as dry eye or an excessive tearing.
  • Reduce ability to taste.
  • Mostly Pain in or behind your ear.
  • Experiencing Numbness in the affected side of your face.
  • Sudden Increased sensitivity to sound.

Develop the habit of doing regular or weekly physical therapy exercises to stimulate your facial muscles

Intake of Prednisolone which is a steroid reduces inflammation, which helps in enhancing the recovery of the affected nerve. Prednisolone stops the release of substances, such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes in the body that cause inflammation,

If Patients is consuming it by mouth, usually in two tablets per day, for at least 10 days. Possible side effects include:

  • abdominal pain, bloating
  • acne
  • difficulty sleeping
  • dry skin
  • a headache, dizziness (spinning sensation)
  • increased appetite
  • increased sweating
  • indigestion
  • mood changes
  • nausea
  • oral thrush
  • slow wound healing
  • thinning skin
  • tiredness

These side effects reduce in a couple of days.

If in case allergic reaction because of prednisolone is visible or encounter then you should immediately report that to the doctor. Allergy symptoms may include:

  1. hives
  2. breathing difficulties
  3. swelling of the face
  4. lips
  5. tongue
  6. throat
  7. throat
  • Take proper Dental care — if you are feeling nothing in your mouth then the chances for food to build up leading to decay or gum disease. Brushing and flossing can help prevent this.
  • Problems with eating — if the patient is facing issues with swallowing, then the individual should chew food well and eat slowly. Choosing soft foods, such as yogurt can also help.
  • Take OTC pain relief — to ease any discomfort.

After reading all the causes and cure if you still have any queries then you can contract the experts of Urgent Care Clinic Piscataway Township for better advice.

