Using Medium as My Healing Journal

Starting today!

2 min readJan 15, 2024


Original AI Art Created from Soul — Astra © 2024

When I first started writing on Medium at the end of last November, I had this cool idea to use it as my daily journal — seeing what wants to flow from my consciousness.

It feels like, in that way, Medium can be a healing tool for me while I provide healing (and often stream-of-consciousness) writing for you to peruse, enjoy — and integrate if guided.

Then, like some cool ideas often do, this thought drifted away, and I just sort of wrote a few times a week as inspired — short poems to help raise your vibration, thoughts and feelings about what has been happening for me at the current moment — OK that’s leaning towards the healing/journaling idea, but I didn’t keep it up daily, necessarily….

…Until now.

The idea has returned. I am going to try it out.

I may not keep up with the schedule perfectly, but my intention is to do so, to the best of my human ability.

(I may be the ShamanStarseedWitch — but, in this lifetime, I am also human. Which can feel challenging at times…Sigh….lol ;) )

So, keep watch — my next story will be entry number one in:

The Healing Journey (and…




Witch Wound Detector & Channel of Divine Prosperity for Healers. ~ Support me on Ko-fi: