When Will You Forget Someone You Deeply Love If You Stop Contacting Them?

Athena Loves
4 min readApr 19, 2024
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

A while ago, a friend sent me a message:

“I’ve decided to stop contacting my ex-boyfriend. I feel like there’s no future for us. Even though I’ve cut off contact, I can’t forget about him. Sometimes, I think about the days we spent together and end up in tears.”

This friend believes that by not contacting the ex, with time, she can forget and move on from that past relationship.

Many people might share the same belief. When someone gives up on you, you might think that by not contacting them, you can also let go of them.

When you love someone, you want to be in touch all the time. But when that person stops loving you and you still have feelings for them, reaching out feels like losing face. You might even feel it’s pointless to contact them again.

So, we try to forget them on our own, by cutting off contact. But how long does it take to forget someone after cutting off contact? When will you move on?

Wait Until You Find the Right Person

A close friend once told me that once you find the right person, you’ll quickly forget about your ex.

Although my friend had a good relationship with her ex, he suggested moving in together, which she, being more traditional, declined. Eventually, they broke up.

My friend seemed devoted. But after her ex left, she found a man who truly loved her.

Later, I asked her how she managed to move on so quickly. She admitted feeling hurt but realized her ex didn’t matter once she found the right person.

She said, “When you find the right person, you realize they are the one worth holding onto. The past lovers become a distant memory.”

Many people, like my friend, find it hard to forget until they find the right person. When they do, the ex no longer fits into their plans.

Some people cling to false hopes even after cutting off contact because they believe there’s still a chance.

So, when the deep love of your life finds someone else, many will let go, knowing they’ve found their happiness elsewhere.

Waiting for Your Deep Love to Move On

Some say, “You truly forget someone you’ve deeply loved when they find someone else.”

When you haven’t been in touch for a long time and feel like you’re in a standoff, you still haven’t given up. But one day, you see a post from them with their new partner, and you realize it’s over.

It’s painful to see your loved one move on, especially when you haven’t deleted them because you’re holding onto hope.

So, when the person you love finds someone new, many choose to let go. When others find love, smart people know when to step back.

Unable to Forget, Only to Let Go

In love, some can never forget their exes, no matter the time that passes. The only choice is to let go.

When you can’t let go, it consumes you. But miraculously, one day you find the strength to let go and find peace.

When you finally let go, the world seems brighter. You’ve let go of the past, and you no longer dwell on it.

We must learn to let go, especially when we give our all but receive nothing in return. When someone discards you, don’t waste time on them. Instead, focus on moving forward.

Love Without Contact Is Deeper

The love between two people grows deeper when they stop contacting each other.

Imagine loving someone deeply, yet not reaching out, or when one person has given up, but the other still loves. Not contacting each other is a way to save face and perhaps make the other person miss you first.

Some say, “Love is like a game of tug-of-war. The one who gives up first loses the most, while the one holding on gets hurt the most.”

Indeed, it’s true. Not contacting each other can intensify love but also cause more pain.

So, be smart and live freely. When you live freely, you cherish your feelings. And when someone leaves you, you can gracefully turn away, leaving them with your back turned.

In life, we must grow, especially in love. We must learn to wait.

From naive love to heartbreak, we realize our parents, our family, and ourselves are the most important. So, in life, we wait for the right person, someone worth it.

If you’re with the right person, you’ll sail smoothly through life.



Athena Loves

I'm a storyteller at heart, here to ignite your imagination and touch your soul through my writing.