ATLANTICO Network is a decentralized medical, insurance and pharmaceutical platform on the Blockchain

AtlantICO network
1 min readAug 14, 2018


ATLANTICO NETWORK — is the world’s first decentralized medical and pharmaceutical platform based on blockchain technology, which has ambitious goals in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Developing ATLANTICO NETWORK project, we strive to:

✔improve the quality of medical products and services and bring them to a new level;

✔regulate pricing policy;

✔make the relationship between all participants of the platform as clear and transparent as possible;

✔provide patients, doctors, pharmaceutical and insurance companies, as well as medical centers with a resource that can bring them together.

In order to take part in our project and bring the implementation of all the above goals closer, you can join our ICO-campaign and buy ATI tokens.

For participation in our project we give investors’ bonuses! Today you can buy ATI tokens and get a +35% bonus. Hurry up, there are only 13 days left to complete this! More details on the website

