ATLANTICO Network new take on healthcare market

AtlantICO network
1 min readSep 4, 2018


Thanks to the use of blockchain technology in AtlantICO Network project, we will be able to create an absolutely transparent system on our platform, which will be verifiable by any of its participants.

Each member of AtlantICO Network platform will have access to a set of tools in the blockchain registry, with which he will be able to audit records. This will help to avoid all kinds of conflicts and problems.

The blockchain platform AtlantICO Network will record every incident — the treatment of the patient, diagnosis, purpose of medication, the prescription, the registration of the insured event, expand the base of pharmaceutical products and medical services, etc. All the important events and changes will be recorded in the distribution log for further analysis.

We strive to bring the relationship of all participants in the medical and pharmaceutical industry to a fundamentally new level through the use of advanced high technologies! Join the ICO campaign of our promising project! The terms and conditions of the event can be found on the website

