ATLANTlCO Network the future of medical service

AtlantICO network
2 min readSep 13, 2018


🔹Every day the human body is attacked by thousands of microbes and bacteria, viruses and microorganisms. And, despite the fact that the body of each person has its own protective mechanism — immunity, it is not always possible to resist them. Therefore, the existence of medical centers and drugs is an integral part of the system of maintaining the health of the body of each person.
AtlantICO Network project was developed by our team, first of all, in order to simplify the procedure of choosing a medical center and a drug for the patient. How will it work in practice?

🔹Imagine that you have a cold and go to the medical center for help. There you receive medical services, and the attending physician prescribe you a course of treatment. Using the application platform AtlantICO Network, you can evaluate the quality of your doctor and the quality of services provided by the medical center in general, as well as leave your comments. All these data will be stored in the blockchain registry of the platform, and after that other patients will be able to rely on your assessments and comments, conducting a preliminary analysis of this medical center and its doctors.

🔹Then, in AtlantICO Network app, you can find the medications that your doctor has prescribed for you. The application will give you information about the nearest pharmacy where you can buy the necessary medicines, the average score of evaluation of these drugs by other consumers, their cost, as well as comments left by other consumers. On the basis of the data you will be able to decide whether to purchase these drugs and choose a convenient place to sell them.

🔹After using the drug, you can also rate it in AtlantICO Network app and leave your feedback about it. This will help not only to make a choice for future buyers, but also to analyze the quality of pharmaceutical products to its manufacturers and pharmacies. Read more about AtlantICO Network project on the website

