How will AtlantICO Network project develop after the end of the ICO campaign?

AtlantICO network
2 min readSep 28, 2018


🔹AtlantICO Network is a large-scale project, the development of which requires constant analysis of the market and the use of modern technologies. We never cease to explore the market and communicate with industry professionals in order to implement the project in the best possible way. Therefore, despite the fact that we have a clear plan of our further actions for the development and scaling of the project, some of its items may undergo a number of changes over time.

🔹Immediately after the end of the ICO, in November 2018, will begin the listing of ATL tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges. After that, the mobile application and AtlantICO Network platform will be launched.

🔹In 2019, we plan to redeem the bonus tokens awarded to participants for using AtlantICO Network platform (to patients, medical centers and doctors), conclude agreements with the ministries of health of different countries of the world, choose an exchange for an IPO and create a legal framework for its implementation.

🔹In 2020 it is planned to buy tokens from platform participants, to create a public joint-stock company and to establish its technical and legal base.

🔹In 2021, we will hold IPO, will issue shares to the holders of the tokens and place shares on the stock exchange. And in 2022, the shareholders will receive the first payment of their dividends.

🔹More information about the plans of AtlantICO Network project-on our official website

