New take on healthcare market

AtlantICO network
2 min readSep 12, 2018


One of the unique features available to users of AtlantICO Network platform is the ability to evaluate the quality of pharmacological products and medical services.

In order to do this, the platform will implement two separate modules — a module for assessing the quality of goods and a module for assessing the quality of services.

The goods’ quality assessment module is based on the NEM blockchain. Thanks to this module, a user of the platform will be able to assess the quality of a particular medical product and leave a review about it, which will be available for general or personal viewing at the author’s choice. Data on the evaluation of the drug will be stored in the journal of the blockchain registry. Only patients, doctors and medical centers will be able to edit this module. All other members of the platform will only be able to view it.

The service evaluation module will also be based on the NEM blockchain. Its principle of operation will be similar to the principle of the goods’ evaluation module with only one difference — only patients will be able to edit this module. For all other participants of the platform it will be available only in the view mode.

You can learn more about the work of AtlantICO Network platform on our official website

