The ATLANTICO Network’s goal is to change the whole medical and pharmaceutical industry and bring it to a new level

AtlantICO network
1 min readOct 5, 2018


Every physician strives to provide his or her patient with the most professional and high quality medical aid, give the most precise diagnosis and prescribe the highest quality pharmaceutical products so the treatment is quick and effective and the patient is satisfied with the visit to the doctor.

Interacting with the AtlantICO Network allows a doctor to analyse similar diagnoses, increase the accuracy of own diagnoses, monitor the market for new and advanced pharmaceuticals.

Besides, with the AtlantICO Network doctors get the opportunity to begin working with the best medical centres in the world since the AtlantICO Network platform constantly analyses and collects data on any given doctor’s quality of service, giving the doctor the benefit of attention from the best medical centres and clinics.

Every doctor registered on the AtlantICO Network receives ratings from other users of the platform that allow him or her to receive additional income as bonus tokens.
The tokens accrued will be bought back by the AtlantICO Network at the end of each year.

For more information about the bonus token accretion can be found in our White Paper at

