The ATLANTICO Network’s goal is to change the whole medical and pharmaceutical industry and bring it to a new level

AtlantICO network
1 min readSep 11, 2018


AtlantICO Network project is focused on a large market of medical and pharmaceutical services, which is characterized by high growth rates. With the help of AtlantICO Network, we strive to completely transform this global industry and bring it to a new level.

Implementation of the project AtlantICO Network will help to:

✔combine supply and demand of medical services and pharmaceutical products in one application;

✔provide users of AtlantICO Network platform with more decision-making opportunities;

✔reduce the risks of providing poor quality medical services and counterfeit pharmacological products;

✔exclude the possibility of using fraudulent schemes in the medical field.

At the heart of all the above solutions is the blockchain technology, which allows AtlantICO Network project team to create the most transparent and secure decentralized platform.

More information about the features of the blockchain technology application on AtlantICO Network platform can be found in the White Paper of our project at the link

