The value of AtlantICO Network platform in the medical field

AtlantICO network
1 min readSep 29, 2018


🔹The value of AtlantICO Network platform in the medical field is undeniable and visible. But why its use will be helpful not only for market participants of medical goods and services, but also for insurance companies?

🔹Through the use of the services of AtlantICO Network platform, insurance companies will be able to fully monitor the level of quality and cost of pharmaceuticals and services of medical centers for which they make payments. This will allow them to minimize their costs associated with the treatment of patients. And patients, in turn, will receive treatment of a higher level of quality.

🔹Strict control of medical payments from the platform AtlantICO Network will not allow unscrupulous market participants to mimic the insurance cases with the aim of obtaining financial benefit by deception! More information about AtlantICO Network project — on the website!

