Three important questions

AtlantICO network
2 min readSep 19, 2018


Today we would like to answer the three most important and frequently asked questions. We appreciate our investors and all people interested in the development of the project. That is why we create an open and transparent system of interaction with you. And we would like you to know everything about the project and its development.

What is AtlantlCO Network?

ATLANTlCO Network is the first medical and pharmaceutical blockchain platform that improves and takes the quality of services and medical products to a new level, regulates prices and makes relationships transparent between all participants of the platform: patients, doctors, pharmaceutical and insurance companies as well as medical centers.

What is ATLANTlCO Network tоkеn? Where and how to buy it?

ATL tоkепs are the internal currency of the platform, cryptographic software that has a functional application on the ATLANTlCO Network platform. ATL tоkепs will give the opportunity for tоkеп holders to receive dividends from the platform’s profits. In order to purchase tоkепs you can register in the personal account on the website, the price of 1 ATL = 0.0001 ETH

What cryptocurrency can buy ATLANTlCO Network tоkепs?

ATLANTlCO network tоkепs can be purchased with Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Neo (NEO), USD ($)
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