📌What income will users receive from ATL tokens?

AtlantICO network
1 min readAug 6, 2018


🔹ATLANTICO NETWORK team sign contracts with partners involved in connecting medical centers to our platform around the world, ATLANTICO NETWORK Platform acts as an intermediary that provides a stream of new customers to medical centers, and in turn, medical centers provide a discount on their services, which the platform shares with customers. This becomes beneficial to all participants who use the platform.

🔹After the launch of the platform, investors who bought tokens will be able to receive quarterly dividends, the amount of dividends will be constantly increased due to the platform scaling and the connection of new medical centers. The more people start using the platform, the more quarterly payments will be made.

🔹Already at the moment the company is negotiating with the Ministry of health of Ukraine and South Africa, which will allow us to connect more than 6,000 medical centers around the world by the end of 2019, in the implementation of this task investors will receive dividends for 1 ATL token more than$ 5 per year and the amount of dividends will not depend on the exchange rate fluctuations.

