21 Side effects Of Yoga

Atma Yoga Shala
4 min readMay 9, 2020

Warned, You have been!

Ays creation

1. Questioning your existence/life

You will start asking a lot of questions about yourself and your life that, what seemed right before yoga might start to feel wrong after and vice versa.

This also applies to the people you choose to spend time with, the books/Movies you choose to consume.

2. Smiling/Laughing for no reason Or reasons that might sound weird for others

For starters, you might start to laugh at your self, for all the problems you fretted for before.

3. Crying… Out of the blue

Especially, when you realize that it’s been you, who has been hurting you, and nobody else! All this time!

And don’t even get me started with the Yoga sutras. Be prepared with a box of tissues before you open that book I say!!

4. Wanting to try every Asana in the world and truly enjoying each one

You start taking pride in each Asana, its origin history, benefits, etc., that you end up creating slogans for each.

5. Sucking out all the oxygen in the room for yourself

Once you understand the importance of breathing properly, you won’t miss a chance to take up all that oxygen in the room. You will use Ujjayi/Kapalabhati/Any other known Pranayama technique for it.

6. Washing yoga mat very often

Not me! (I don’t even remember when was the last time I washed mine)

But my fellow yogis do! Do you?

7. Falling in love with your yoga mat

Even though I don’t wash my yoga mat as often as I should… If there was one thing that I want to take anywhere I go, it would be my mat! I am obsessed with it. Because after all, this is where the magic called yoga began 🙂

I might even create a fan page for my mat one day. Really!

8. Not wanting to argue anymore

Oh, I am wrong? Very much possible : ) Thank you for taking the time and letting me know. Namaste!

9. Happy for literally no reason

Because.. you know.. the Sun came up today and it was beautiful…and I am breathing… In… Out…beautifully! Do you need any more reason now? You smiled now didn’t you : )

10. Understanding that happiness is just one of the many other emotions

And that all the other emotions - sadness, anger, etc, are equally beautiful

11. Admiring and falling in love with small things like even house flies flying

12. Talking non-stop about the benefits of yoga on Social Media up to a point where your friends think of unfriending you…

13. Understanding how special you are…

Do you know that you are a multi-million-cells filled Universe by yourself? You are the Universe. The Universe is in you!

14. And then realizing that you are not special and everybody is one

Yeah, you are the Universe and all, but so is everybody else! Sorry to burst that bubble.

15. Leaving your current job because it doesn’t match with your understanding of life anymore…

Been there? Done that?

16. Or…Falling more in love with your current job because you have nothing but gratitude for it.

Especially during this current testing times! Let’s all take a moment and be grateful for whatever jobs we are on. Even if we hate it! For it is a privilege to have a regular income when others are falling out and just want some way to feed their families.

17. Falling out of sync with few people in your life

Because you realize that they are better off without you..and not the other way around.

18. Finding friendship in equally weird people

Hello yoga people. Yes, you! How have you been?

19. Levitating

OK. You got me there. Just kidding!! Or Am I?

20. If yoga was a company, you would become its marketing Director unasked.

Honestly, if there was one major change after taking up yoga, it would be the fact that you would feel awesome! And because of that, you would become this Salesman/Saleswoman for Yoga, promoting it where ever you go and you would take pride in it when someone else starts practicing because all that Yoga-Marketing will work one day:)

That is exactly what we do at AYS too :) We are on a humble mission to take yoga to every nook and corner of this planet.

And the best way to do it is to make sure that today’s energetic youth understands how cool Yoga is and join us on this mission! Because Yoga is Cool & you will know when you try it for yourself! (I warned you about being a yoga-marketer)

Join us here → AYS

Also, are you aware of our online classes happening right now??!!

Go on. Click here for a trial class!

See you soon on the mat!

Oh…What’s the 21st side effect you ask? It’s that you start reading yoga blogs 😉


Dharani Mallikarjunan



Atma Yoga Shala

Yoga for you, Yoga for all. Because it’s the coolest way to stay ahead. LIVE. LOVE. LEARN. with AYS.