The Cost of Launching a Startup or How AudioYouth Was Born

2 min readFeb 25, 2016


500 hours of development
108 liters of coffee
10,800 minutes of music explored
1300 emails exchanged

… and that one idea

Not to mention all other projects that had to step aside or go on the waiting list. Or the clients who had to get rejected (sorry!). The funny part of the whole story is - we never even intended to launch AudioYouth in the first place!

There have been plenty of startup ideas till now that eventually lead us to work as “creative storytellers”. And we would define this storytelling approach to our clients as their favourite song - once you understand the story behind it, it’s not just some lovely tune anymore. It’s a part of you.

It took us some time to hear the “click”. This anthology should work the other way around too! Just how many times have I found myself pouring over Wikipedia or asking google to tell me the secrets behind the songs that shaped my childhood. I was growing up without even realising who Jude was, how Pride was written about Martin Luther King and why Bob Marley “killed” the sheriff. But once I knew, those songs never looked the same again and were luckily never used in the wrong context!

Enticed with the idea of AudioYouth, we hit the road, spoke to hundreds of artists and musical purist alike. We didn’t want to spend too much time on this concept at the time but the results were promising. A platform that would allow musicians to express another dimension of their art in the way they couldn’t do before became a world of possibilities. Our newsletter list soon started to populate with music fans around the world wanting to hear those stories.

As I am writing this post in the eve of the launch, I cannot help but to look upon AudioYouth as a parent on his child and ask myself all those prophetic questions - what will become of it? Will it survive till it’s first birthday? Will it reach new heights or squander into oblivion?

But the answers are not important. All that matters lies before us. It’s time to do it again, read the checklist, fasten the seat belt, take the protein pills and put our helmets on. Can you hear the engines running?

Follow our launch on

Written by
Adrian, co-founder @AudioYouth

