Introducing WebAR A.K.A the WordPress for Augmented Reality

3 min readJan 29, 2019


Here’s a fact: AR is here to stay. Not just stay, it’s here to thrive, lead, and change the universe. People say sometimes change is good. Yet with AR, change is awesome, especially when we get to WebAR!

Personally, if I was to sell somebody on AR, I’d use two main points. First, I’d elaborate on the mere concept behind AR. While it’s simple, it’s nothing short of rebellious. AR merges real with virtual by overlaying content over users’ field of vision. That is, it makes users’ realities more captivating without completely dissociating them from the real world. The second point is from the science of innovation. If you’re an innovation enthusiast, you know that innovative ideas are those that balance newness and familiarity.

With these two points in mind, it’s obvious that AR is a perfect platform for innovative ideas.

In addition, AR is an eminently versatile technology. Surely, you’ve seen some version of wearable AR in action before. While bulky, expensive, and visually unacceptable, headsets like HoloLens and Meta 2 are still impressive. It’s only a matter of time until they give rise to the AR lenses in Black Mirror’s Nosedive. For better or for worse.

In the meantime, brands are generating lots of momentum with mobile AR. It’s way more accessible than wearable AR. We see AR apps accompany big product releases all the time now. Undoubtedly, that is for good reason. AR apps allow brands to engage audiences like never before. IKEA, for instance, has sure mastered the use of AR apps. But, what about people who won’t bother download an app to try AR experiences?

That’s where WebAR comes in!

Downloading time may not be an issue facing AR apps. Despite that, other major roadblocks stand in the way of AR apps. For one, you already have prospects on one of your platforms. Why direct them to another with an AR app instead of starting an experience immediately using WebAR?

Today’s prospects are not that easy to keep a hold of. There are a plethora of brands other than yours vying for their attention. Hence, you should revere every moment customers are on your deck and not add extra steps to their experience.

Furthermore, another issue WebAR easily evades is storage. Hands down, one of the toughest chores for Earthians is clearing up space on their smartphones. Even if they have external storage devices, the moment of the transfer itself is always a dreaded one. It’s no wonder cloud services are gaining so much steam. Alas, asking your audience to download an app is asking for a hefty commitment. On the other hand, your audience would need only a browser to interact with your WebAR endeavors.

It’s how WebAR swiftly overcomes challenges facing its AR cousins that’s made proponents out of us at Augmania. From the very beginning, we’ve been advocating for more WebAR because of this belief Augmania‘s built upon. We believe that WebAR as a SaaS will be what WordPress has always been to websites.

Sure, WebAR has overcome many challenges, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its own perks! Let us not forget that it is more accessible, it doesn’t take up storage, it’s mighty fun, and it offers solid analytics. Still, there’s one more edge to WebAR that makes it a must-bet on technology. That edge is WebAR’s novelty. Not too many brands have started using WebAR…….YET.

Thus, this is your chance to take the ball and run with it. You’ll wow your customers and beat your competitor’s marketing strategies. And when WebAR becomes the norm, history will look at you as one of the first adopters.

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Originally published at on January 29, 2019.

