Community Update #11

Augminted Labs
5 min readJun 5, 2023


GM Kaiju; it’s June, and we’re gearing up for the next steps of the Kaiju ecosystem. This Community Update will take a step back to reflect on the results from our community survey, as well as speak to the current direction and vision of Kaiju. Be sure to read through the entirety of this article, and let us know if you have any feedback or questions in the Kaiju Discord.

Community Feedback Survey Results

Kaiju is a diverse community that supports builders, developers, artists, gamers, and more. While our diversity is something we are proud of, it poses challenges in targeting products and experiences with various members making up our community. Our common bond is our love for Kaiju as a web3 brand, including the high-quality art and experiences. We are passionate about the future of the IP and strive for success, providing value to our supporters. The recent community survey has yielded exciting findings that we’re eager to share.

We are proud to see that so many current Kaijuz have been a part of the community for so long and are continuing to drive forward our community growth.

It is no secret that we are gearing up to expand the domain of Kaiju across multiple chains. It’s great to see that a significant number of respondents have prior experience, but it must remain core that we provide proper onboarding for everyone, regardless of their experience level.

Gas prices on Ethereum can be high and tend to add up across the board. Moving game mechanics offline or to a new chain is an option for the project to reduce friction around community rewards and participation.

The bulk of NFT communities — and our own efforts on social media — remain on Twitter, but it is clear that there is value to gain by spreading our reach to other platforms. Seems like prioritizing a push towards a stronger Kaiju Instagram, as a second social media home, would be beneficial.

We are extremely proud of the quality of apparel that we have produced in our WeStayFocused Kaiju apparel collection. It does appear, however, that apparel is not as central of a focus as some of our other initiatives to community members.

Obviously, we still have a ways to go with improving our communication as a team; however, we do think we have made strides since we released the first Community Update Medium Article and hope to continue to raise these stats.

It is reassuring to see that game development continues to be of high interest to our community, especially as we continue to build out our Sorashima game world. We have been and will continue to explore NFT drops as STOD’s Journals loom and we will continue to refine our media strategies.

The strongest communicative force in Web3 is word of mouth. We must continue to develop a community project that markets itself through our members’ desire to bring others in.

What’s also significant is the qualitative data we received through free-response comments and feedback. The most common topics discussed were:

  • Create more value for holders through collaborations, exposure, and floor price.
  • Focus on communication and updates around gaming (Rooftop Rampage Mobile, Sorashima, Kaiju V2).
  • Clarify the existing ecosystem and make it easier for new community members to consume.
  • Reduce the complexity of the ecosystem and create more material around how to participate.
  • Provide an updated direction for the company and communicate how Kaiju will continue to grow.

All of these points are valid feedback areas, important to the growth of Kaiju, and processing them will be critical for Kaiju’s success. We are determined to be better at incorporating feedback into the design and future of Kaiju and deliver greater value to every holder. We want to take a slight step back to address these issues and push forward in improving Kaiju. At the end of the day, we have two focuses — the success of our community and the success of the business.

The Right Step Forward

As a small step towards our ambitions of becoming better at serving our community, we are beginning to chip away at some raised concerns and feedback from community members over the next two weeks:

  • Responses on all tickets from Holders within a day
  • Resolving all Dashboard bugs and reducing loading times
  • Kickstarting the Kaiju Creator Program
  • New User Onboarding Presentation
  • Discord Role Bot Solution

If you feel that a key concern was missed or not covered in this list or anywhere in this article, open up a ticket in the Kaiju Discord or just tag a team member with your feedback. It’s incremental, but step by step we’ll get closer to our vision of community and company success.


While we are addressing some key housekeeping items, we are still hard at work developing innovative and interactive experiences. We are excited to start rolling out some of our updates for STOD’s Journals, Sorashima, and our revamped dynamic trait system.



Augminted Labs

The KaijuKingz community focuses the future and growth of Web3 by empowering individuals with the funds, resources, and tools needed to build and conquer.