Enter the Kaijuverse — Roadmap V1

Augminted Labs
11 min readNov 29, 2021


Gm Kingz,

We know it’s been quite some time since our last heart-to-heart, our last major update article; but, rejoice today Kingz — we are finally prepared to share all the major developments going down here at the Lab. This article will provide some context to our visual roadmap, and it will outline our vision for the next year of KaijuKingz.

The ‘metaverse’ is a term that has come a little too into vogue recently — garnering all the hype that Mark Zuckerberg can throw at it — yet, it remains the foundation for the future of Web3 and all decentralized communities. We hope to emerge in the growing significance of this concept — of a theorized parallel virtual world — and to cultivate, as our own part of it, a Kaijuverse. The Kaijuverse is the unifying thread that connects all of our roadmap targets and our vision for KaijuKingz — it represents the brand, the interactive world, and all direct integrations of your Kaijuz in Web3 projects. We are working on assets (avatars, voxels, et cetera) that will be accessible across any decentralized game or community, as well as in our own city for interacting with KaijuKingz contracts and future KaijuKingz games. Wherever you go, your Kaijuz will follow. This cohesive vision will ensure us a seat amongst Web3 royalty, to each King his crown.

Funding the Future of Web3

Before getting into the roadmap, we do want to also provide a short update on the distribution of our funds to Web3 related charities and foundations:

  • We have partnered with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, to research and develop a list of meaningful organizations to donate our funds to.
  • We are in open conversation with freeCodeCamp, to create an open-source Web3 curriculum with associated certifications.
  • We are collaborating with the American Academy of Art to develop Web3 workshops and introduce a new generation of creatives to the space.

We still have more in-store and will offer specific opportunities to Kaiju holders as well. Items such as access to premium self paced bootcamps, shared team development projects, community proposals, audits from the team, and tools.

KaijuKingz Roadmap Q4 — 2021/Q1–2022

Rampage Across The Rooftops

Itching to see more of what the Kaijuverse has in store for you? We mentioned previously in our Discord announcements that Failed Experiments are now tradeable — but what fun is a failed experiment without some kind of explosive reaction? By the end of Q4 2021, you’ll be able to migrate your token to reveal the result of your Failed Experiment, and witness what Mutant Kaijuz can evolve into.

Experiments gone wrong?

This transformation, however, may prove to be a gargantuan task. To successfully reveal the result of Failed Experiments, you must liberate them from the clutches of the Augminted Labs corporation. KaijuKingz Rooftop Rampage is an endless runner KaijuGame, and will follow the heroic quest of a Baby Kaiju as he races across rooftops dodging rockets, nets, and anything the Lab technicians throw at him to uncover what cruel research they’ve been conducting. After prevailing against the Lab, you’ll be able to catalyze the Failed Experiment and set free the Mutant Kaiju from within. Rooftop Rampage is the entry point of the Kaijuverse and will build into our immersive world.

After completing this quest, you will have the opportunity to return (at any time) to reveal the result of Failed Experiments, and you will also be able to attempt Rooftop Rampage in a competitive mode. In this mode you will endlessly continue your rampage on the cityscape until the Baby Kaiju is caught. Your score will be recorded on a leaderboard, where fellow Kingz can compete for the highest score. Competitions will be developed in conjunction with this gamemode, with prizes provided to those who become the King of the ladder.

Footage of our work in progress

Jolly Holiday Airdrop

Grab your St. Nick’s Hat, Kingz. This coming holiday season we will be providing airdrops to Genesis Kaiju holders. A snapshot will be taken just before Christmas and will be used to distribute these airdrops — an announcement on Discord will additionally precede this snapshot to ensure that everyone’s got their Kaijuz in the right wallet. These airdrops will feature the previously teased 2.5D turnaround Kaijuz, an impressive trophy for you to flaunt during your holidays. Accompanied by this airdrop will be the KaijuChristmas Art Competition, where interested contestants will illustrate the finest Christmas themed Kaiju fan art that they can imagine — the #1 King will be rewarded with a Genesis Kaiju (#53), and an unrevealed Baby Kaiju will go to second and third place.

KaijuKingz Roadmap Q1/Q2–2022

Immerse Yourself in The City of Sorashima

By quarter 1 of 2022, we will synthesize the skylines presented in Rooftop Rampage, and deploy our most ambitious expansion to the Kaijuverse yet. Sorashima will be our own metaverse, and will allow you to swank your Kaiju around a multiplayer, Club Penguin-esque world. After connecting your wallet and confirming your status as a Kaiju holder (accessible to Genesis, Baby and Mutant alike), you will arrive at the gates, a world of opportunities before you. Party it up at KlubKaiju, compete head to head against others at the Arcade, or hang with friends in your own Kaiju Kondo — the choice is yours. And don’t worry about ever feeling lonely in Sorashima, we will be partnering up with other projects to provide them access to our immersive world, and to join up with you in all these attractions.

Additionally, all website functionality to fuse Kaijuz, to spend or claim $RWASTE, and to interact with new or old Kaiju contract mechanics will be integrated into Sorashima. You need just stomp your Kaiju to the nearest radioactive reactor to fuse, or Secret Lab to [REDACTED].

Gear Up at KaijuMart

Feel that $RWASTE burning a hole in your pocket? Visit KaijuMart of Sorashima to pick up highly exclusive, limited-time, Kaiju traits. These traits will be fully separate from any already existing ones, like our classic hats, eyes, or bodies. After purchasing, a fusing process at the KaijuMart will spend $RWASTE to combine it with your selected Kaiju — Genesis or Baby — and give it a unique and sought after appearance to flex on your fellow Kingz in Sorashima. Ideas for potential traits are still to be determined; however, some ideas include new clothes, new backgrounds, and animations. These traits may go for exorbitant amounts of $RWASTE, but their extreme rarity and future utility in Sorashima will make them well worth the cost.

Score Some Kaiju Swag

What is a King without his crown? During quarter 1 of 2022, we will release Kaiju merchandise — even borrowing from traits and articles of clothing found directly on your Kaijuz. This Kaiju merch will be available in limited quantities, with some stock set aside and redeemable with $RWASTE. Some of this merchandise will additionally provide its original owner with a 1-to-1 NFT equivalent — with functionality on certain platforms, such as in Decentraland and Sandbox. We have already received mock ups of merchandise from potential vendors, viewable below.

KaijuKingz Roadmap Q2/Q3 — 2022

The Secret of The Failed Experiments

“Is this it for Mutant Kaijuz, being featured in Rooftop Rampage and revealed in the lab? What about Baby Kaijuz? Utility wen?” Beyond their transformation, Mutant Kaijuz can be further refined with additional $RWASTE and experimented on for Mutant DNA. This Mutant DNA will appear similarly to standard Kaiju DNA; however, Mutant DNA alone is not enough to achieve a new Kaiju creation. Mutant DNA can fuse with Baby Kaijuz to create [REDACTED] — a new collection of Kaiju creatures even capable of producing a bit of $RWASTE, but only after maturing. After spending a bit more $RWASTE to facilitate the fusion, [REDACTED] will start their risky incubation period where it is entirely possible that they vanish from you before reaching adulthood, before becoming a [REDACTED]; once fully grown, however, they will be safe and will provide additional [TOP SECRET] opportunities for their holders — opportunities well worth the risks involved.

KlubKaiju Opens in Decentraland

Moving into quarter 2 of next year, we will acquire and develop plots of land in Decentraland. Decentraland is an immersive, decentralized, world — a part of the growing metaverse, and soon to be part of the Kaijuverse — where plots of land can be built on top of by their holders. This venue will function as a location for Kaiju concerts, where we will hire our communities’ favorite artists and bands to play. It will be the destination for Kaiju events and a place for Kingz to flaunt their merchandise drops. With our community being so hip-hop focused expect some dope artists — drop your recommendations for artists in the Hip-Hop Heads Channel.

Rule Among All Metaverses

Speaking of Kaijuz in Decentraland — in quarter 2 we’re also giving all Kaiju holders the opportunity to use fully rigged 3D models that correspond to their Kaiju. Not only would this be useful for chilling out with your fellow Kingz in Decentraland, but it will also allow you to use your Kaiju in other 3D metaverses. In addition to these models, all Kaiju holders will be able to use 3D voxel styled versions of their Kaiju as well. These voxel models will be more fitting in metaverses such as The Sandbox, where worlds are built block by block similar to games like Minecraft or Roblox. With these two kinds of 3D models for your Kaiju at your disposal, you’ll be ready to stomp your Kaijuz through whatever metaverses you’d like. No matter where you are, you’ll always be hailed as a King.

Created by 3D_Caro.

Note: the 3D models will be usable with the existing NFT; however, the voxel collection will be separate and you will be able to claim the 1-to-1 voxel NFTs with your existing Kaijuz.

Project Daedalus

The nefarious technicians at Augminted Labs are cooking up some twisted experiments. At some point during quarter 2, we will discover the remnants of their operations in the play-to-earn Battle Royale game currently codenamed as “Project Daedalus.” Kaiju holders will find themselves rewarded for their contributions with access to the alpha — remember, though, only a syndicate of Kingz can succeed.

KaijuKingz Roadmap Q3/Q4–2022

First Rule of Kaiju Fightclub — Don’t Talk About Kaiju Fightclub

The next ambitious expansion to the Kaijuverse, to Sorashima, will occur in quarter 3 of 2022: the tentatively named Kaiju Battler. This arena will allow Kaiju holders to spend their $RWASTE to upgrade their Kaijuz and battle against each other. Kaijuz will find themselves in a ranked ladder with the opportunity to earn rewards fit for a King. The specifics of the battle system as well as the balancing system are still being discussed; however, each King should have access to unique abilities, attacks, and stats based on their traits — rare traits may provide well sought after utility here. We are also looking to partner with other projects to provide them access to our battler as we integrate them into Sorashima.

Roadmap V2 and Beyond

By the time we end quarter 3 of 2022, a new Roadmap will be worked out to detail the future of Kaijuz. We have a lot to look forward to Kingz, but this is just the beginning. Our community has grown so much and it will continue to be the core of KaijuKingz. In showing our gratitude and support for our community, we are proud to announce the KaijuKingz Community Fund.

The community fund will provide a balance of 50E to be used on initiatives for community members that are not covered by the roadmap. Possible examples include using the funds to create a rarity website, marketing initiatives, working with artists on collaborations, and creating new Kaiju Merchandise, and helping other projects with smaller budgets. We will be utilizing a Proposals channel in our Discord to collect ideas from the community, which if approved by KaijuKingz staff will be published on our Snapshot page for community vote. Only holders of Genesis or Baby Kaijuz will be able to vote, with a weighting of 1 Kaiju = 1 Vote. With this funding we hope to bring the community together to solidify our common goal of making KaijuKingz into a project larger than life.


Q4 — 2021/Q1 — 2022

  • We are building out the Kaijuverse and its associated ecosystems.
  • Charitable organizations are being researched to distribute the Web3 fund.
  • Rooftop Rampage is the first ever KaijuGame, and will follow the quest of a Baby Kaiju as he attempts to get to the bottom of Augminted Labs and their evil plans.
  • Christmas Airdrop will provide 2.5D animated turnaround NFTs to Genesis Kaiju holders, and will be accompanied by a KaijuChristmas Art Competition.
  • Failed Experiments will be able to transform into Mutant Kaijuz. Mutant Kaijuz will acquire additional utility through $RWASTE and Baby Kaiju fusing in [REDACTED].

Q1/Q2 — 2022

  • An immersive world, Sorashima, will be built as the home of the Kaijuverse. Live your life as a King in this Club Penguin-esque space — you’re free to party in KlubKaiju, compete in the arcade, hang in your Kaiju Kondo, the choice is yours.
  • Auction House will allow Kaiju holders to spend $RWASTE to gain new, unique traits — to be flaunted and used in Sorashima.
  • KaijuKingz Merchandise will drop and some will provide a 1-to-1 NFT equivalent to the original owner — equipable in Decentraland.

Q2/Q3 — 2022

  • Decentraland Venue will be acquired for KaijuKingz concerts, events, and merchandise drops.
  • Kaiju Voxels and 3D Rigged Kaijuz will be available for Kaiju holders to represent themselves in Sandbox, Decentraland, and the broader metaverse.
  • Project Daedalus is shrouded in mystery, but will reward contributions from Kaiju holders — wonder what this could be all about

Q3/Q4 — 2022

  • Arena/Battler will be developed as a ranked game system for Kaiju holders to compete for prizes. Open to partnership with other projects to include their characters inside the battler.
  • Roadmap V2 will be released around the time the Battler drops, during Q3 of 2022.
  • Kaiju Community Fund will provide eth to promising community projects and initiatives.



Augminted Labs

The KaijuKingz community focuses the future and growth of Web3 by empowering individuals with the funds, resources, and tools needed to build and conquer.