KaijuKingz — Community Update #4

Augminted Labs
5 min readFeb 4, 2023


Just 8 weeks ago we started posting our first biweekly updates, and we have seen a major improvement in communication and overall engagement in the community, so cheers! This week we will be covering some details around the Baby Kaiju mint out, The Nom Nom Nom gif, the rework of the Kaiju Kingz website, and community member shout-outs.

Baby Kaijuz Mint Out

It’s taken over 15 months to fully mint out our collection, we enjoyed every step of it and hope you have as well. Giving Genesis holders the ability to mint the remaining supply was a net positive for the growth of our community and the growth of Genesis holders. It was a mad dash to the finish line — 0xPYV and 9gagceo minting out the remaining supply — but with an amazing snipe, AROD was able to get the last Kaiju and mint out our collection. Along with this mint out comes the additional small victory of being a fully verified collection on Opensea 🥂

Beyond Fuzing

With 624 babies still yet to be revealed, we are preparing to launch an interactive reveal event where anyone in the community will be able to participate. You will be able to reveal your Baby DNAs, reroll your existing babies for new traits and new skins, and walk around a beta concept of Sorashima. We have always been interested in Web3 interactions and we think the gamification of this reveal event will bring some much-needed fun to our ecosystem.

Additionally, we will still be using a mixture of RWASTE and DNA for current burns, events, and items. Tokenomics may change as KaijuKingz v2 is introduced but for now expect augmints, burns, and other events to have an RWASTE entry and a SCALES entry — some events will favor those with RWASTE and some SCALES-only events will favor those who stake.

The Nom Nom Nom gif

The om nom nom gif was released just a couple of weeks ago and featured a Baby Kaiju munching on some Ether, RWASTE, as well as a couple of mysterious objects. Many interesting theories were suggested, but the truth is that this was a hint at us going omnichain with our v2 collection! Our team has been working hard behind the scenes on new systems and gamification, with a focus on amazing pixel art, exciting experiences, and creative use of Web3 technology. While Ethereum will always be the home of Kaiju Kingz, expanding to omnichain will only serve to broaden our reach. The details of what chains we will support, how the gamification will work, and the integration of our existing collections will be shared in upcoming development logs.

For now, you can get excited about exploring new ecosystems, leveling up your monsters, running around Sorashima, and staying true to our web3 ethos “Do Dope Shit”.

In the coming months — we will release more information on chains, game mechanics, monster art, and also run community events to teach people about omnichain technology and our new partnered chains.

Kaiju Kingz Website Updates

You will see a temporary landing page going up very soon as we transition to a website rebuild. This will come with new features to enable us to:

1) Communicate to a new audience

2) Rework community-based augmints

3) Maintain upkeep of and act as an information page for all things KaijuKingz

You can expect the temporary landing page to come live soon 🔜

Community highlights

Coffee & Weed

Kaiju Kingz has always been known for having great devs, but we also have some of the most helpful and talented devs in our community — Coffee & Weed embodies that sentiment entirely.

Many of you have had the pleasure of using the tools he’s created for our community. Starting with the Scales/Tier checker for mutants (https://mutantsniper.herokuapp.com/) and most recently, the Fitting Room (https://kaiju.erc1337.tools/). We cannot thank him enough for making life for us, and our community members that little bit easier.


Pixel Art is the beating heart of Kaiju Kingz, we’ve been lucky enough to have a great number of community members that share that same passion.

You couldn’t ask for a better community artist than Wiklander. From creating custom traits (our favorite being Dots shoes) to deploying Wojakaijuz through Struct, his service to our community has been invaluable and has given enjoyment to us all.


Art is consumed through various mediums, one of them being the written form. Shakespeare is to literature, what Leoteoro is to Kaiju Kingz.

With a quill — mobile phone — always in hand, their poetry has graced our timeline consistently over the last year. We appreciate the creativity and showing a different — but brilliant — side of the Kaiju community.

Thank you for going that extra mile for our community — Leoteoro and Wiklander will each be receiving a Super Shadowy Artist Kaiju, and Coffee & Weed will be receiving a Super Shadowy Coder Kaiju.

Kaijuz Give Back

Thank you to everyone who participated in our #kaijuzgiveback event and served their community, helping make the world a better place. All participants will be receiving an augmint for the event (insert janitor pic) , which will be able to be applied to your baby or genesis Kaiju. The winners were chosen using a random number generator — congratulations to Creggers and Cheyungg. We will look to run more similar events in the future, and continue to give back to our communities, IRL and in Web3. Now we want to give back to you all a little bit, while supplies last this coupon code will be valid for a free snapback trucker hat on https://www.westayfocused.com/: IREADTHEMEDIUMARTICLE.

PS: Be ready to burn, https://twitter.com/ghostboylives 🔜



Augminted Labs

The KaijuKingz community focuses the future and growth of Web3 by empowering individuals with the funds, resources, and tools needed to build and conquer.