KaijuKingz P2E Ecosystem

Augminted Labs
7 min readMar 8, 2022


Overview & Introduction

KaijuKingz was always more than just a PFP project. Launching with $RWASTE tokenomics and Kaiju fusing, our mechanics have developed our ecosystem, and created unique tangibility for our Kingz. It’s fun to watch your Genesis Kaiju produce $RWASTE, and to look forward to the baby that you will eventually be able to fuse — it makes our Kaijuz feel alive. With the unique opportunity provided to us by Mutant Kaijuz, we will be expanding our ecosystem by introducing new P2E mechanics.

Your Kaijuz, while locked up in the lab, will soon have the ability to shed $SCALES to be used in new kinds of experimentation. Your mutants will have the ability to upload their DNA to create something beyond the monstrous forms that we see before ourselves. That DNA will, at a later point, be able to interact with Baby Kaijuz to produce [REDACTED], which will feature as a component of one of our player-owned games. To add to this gamification, we are reintroducing scientists as a new collection that can interfere, steal scales, and provide necessary risk to the DNA generation process. Everything in the KaijuKingz ecosystem will interact with one another, and everything will have its use case.

Scales, Staking, and Alpha Passes

Staking is the function of locking an NFT — you will be unable to sell, list, or transfer it — in exchange for token generation, and other rewards and benefits. It’s a mechanic that’s been unexplored in the KaijuKingz ecosystem — until now. You will be able to stake any of your Genesis or Baby Kaijuz, which will allow them to generate $SCALES: our new token and next expansion to the Kaijuverse. Mutant Kaijuz will also be able to generate $SCALES, but will not be required to be staked to do so. Each genesis will be able to produce 15 $SCALES per day, each baby 5 $SCALES per day, and each mutant 2 $SCALES per day. Just like $RWASTE, $SCALES are claimable at any time. Genesis Kaijuz, however, will have their $RWASTE production halted while staked for $SCALES — holders will need to keep this in mind while evaluating the benefit of staking their Genesis Kaiju. $RWASTE that Genesis holders do not collect due to staking will be partially burned and partially distributed. 1 $SCALE = 1 $SCALE.

This new token is the next step in the Kaiju ecosystem and is a critical component in creating DNA. Beyond their interactions with Mutants, 300 $SCALES can also be used to make an alpha pass. Alpha passes are a tradable NFT that give access to our alpha channels on Discord. These channels will be view-only, however, so holders of this token will be able to keep up with our alpha channels but not take part in them.

We will also be exploring collaborations with other NFTs for staking against $RWASTE while using a Genesis Kaiju to produce $SCALES. This would be at a limited rate compared to the 5 $RWASTE a day but would still allow a more realistic Kaiju Baby mint out while genesis holders farm scales. This idea is currently in the concepting stage, so if you have any feedback please provide it in our discord — if you are a founder of another collection and would like to have your collection partnered with $RWASTE staking, please reach out.

DNA, Mutants, and Tier System

$SCALES will primarily serve the purpose of producing a new token called DNA. To start the Mutant DNA process, you need to first spend 300 $SCALES and have access to a Mutant Kaiju; as you’d normally expect from extracting DNA from a biological component however, there’s a chance that extraction from $SCALES can fail (ex: Jurassic Park). We’ve introduced a new tier system to accompany this process where, after investing into your DNA, you can increase your chances of success.

There are 6 different tiers: starting with E, proceeding to F, D, C, B, A, and ending with S. F is the base tier with a 20% success rate, with every tier upgrade increasing the success rate by an additional 10%. The maximum success rate is 80% at tier S. In order to increase the tier of your DNA extraction and increase the likelihood of succeeding, you must sacrifice some amount of $SCALES, with each upgrade requiring 150. Each mutant that successfully creates DNA will go into cooldown for 14 days. Additionally, there is a 1% chance for your DNA extraction to be free, with cost of scales refunded, available at all tiers.

After the successful extraction of DNA, you will be presented with a range of possible DNA outcomes. DNA will be stratified across rarity as well as type outcomes; DNA may be common, uncommon, rare, epic or legendary, and may be composed of 5 different “element” types. The chance of hitting each rarity of DNA is 50% for common, 30% for uncommon, 15% for rare, 4% for epic, and 1% for legendary. $RWASTE may be invested into DNA extraction to increase the odds of hitting higher rarities. Odds of hitting each “elemental” type is even across all possible outcomes. Each type and rarity combination will impact your units and level of play when our player-owned game is set to launch. The total supply of DNA will be unlimited, however there will be cooldowns involved when attempting to integrate them into our player-owned game.

Scientists, Stealing, and Gamification

Hope you didn’t forget the Augminted Labs scientists you might’ve seen in the Mutant Kaiju campaign, because they’ll be making a return in this revamped Kaiju ecosystem. Scientists are still shrouded in mystery and their exact mint details will be revealed on P2E system launch. They will take the role of generating necessary risk in the DNA extraction process.

Each failed DNA extraction attempt will divide up the lost $SCALES among available scientists. Certain mechanisms will determine the amount of $SCALES that each scientist receives, and this allocation may fluctuate based on the current number of scientists. Scientists additionally have a 1% chance to steal an extracted DNA instead of its $SCALES altogether, where that stolen DNA will be randomly allocated to a scientist, with consideration of their [REDACTED] values.

Additionally, Scientists may be rewarded with the $RWASTE that’s pooled into the contract by Genesis Kaijuz being staked; 80% of the $RWASTE will be burned while the other 20% will be used to make Baby Kaijuz and sent to a random scientist holder.

Game Development and Beyond

All numbers provided in this document are subject to change before launch — getting community feedback on systems is something we deeply value. Additionally, our eventual transition to an L2 is planned. We are still searching for a broader L2 partner on all of our games, and are planning on moving the ecosystem over once one is selected.

The totality of this developed P2E ecosystem will find its end point in a new KaijuGame, Monster x Monster, which is currently under development. This game will feature Kaiju monsters battling each other in turn-based combat. The game will be hosting a F2P entry point, with DNA and [REDACTED] serving as a means of acquiring stronger Monsters and improving your chances of finding success in this player-owned game experience. Monster x Monster will additionally offer in-game purchases in fiat currency, in which some portion will be allocated to purchase and burn available $SCALES in the ecosystem. This mechanism will allow for Web2 experiences to fuel and support our Web3 experiences.

The initial P2E ecosystem ($SCALES, DNA Extraction, Scientists) is slated to be released over the next 2–4 weeks. During which, it will take some time for DNA to be successfully created and enter into supply. While this DNA production process is occurring, Monster x Monster will be developed and you can expect it to be launched sometime in late 2023 to early 2024. Monster x Monster’s details and design will be shared as we finalize our MVP.

Other Updates

Along with these developments, we have some other updates to provide regarding several of our roadmap items:

  • Kaiju Mart will use both a mixture of $RWASTE and $SCALES
  • Whitelist Marketplace will open and start out as $RWASTE only
  • Rooftop Rampage will be ported to mobile
  • Kaiju Merch is being worked on — we really want to utilize it outside of the ecosystem — some will be claimable with RWASTE
  • Hiring efforts are expanding — adding referral bonuses of Baby/Genesis Kaijuz for our community members.


Finally, we want to provide a graphic that can tie together all the information provided here in this document in a clear and understandable way. To accomplish this, we want our community to compete in creating a flow chart/graphic that can be easily shared and inform anyone on what this whole P2E ecosystem looks like. Staff will decide on the winner, who will receive a Baby Kaiju as a prize, and we will also select a runner up who will receive a Mutant Kaiju. Information to come regarding how to submit entries for this competition.



Augminted Labs

The KaijuKingz community focuses the future and growth of Web3 by empowering individuals with the funds, resources, and tools needed to build and conquer.