Augur Weekly Development Update — February 21st

2 min readFeb 22, 2018



The front end team is working on building out the screens for reporting during dispute resolution and open reporting. They received some new mocks back from IDEO regarding the forking screens, and are beginning those shortly. The trading order form will be functional with the next merge, which can be seen on the markets trading page at

Augur Node / Middleware:

Some of our contract engineering bandwidth has moved over to Augur Node while we await audit results. Functionality is being added, and you’ll now notice that connects to a Augur Node. Progress can be tracked here.

Contract Audits:

We expect to have an update for you regarding the results of contract audits next week. We are preparing for delivery of the second report this week.


AirBitz released Edge from beta this past week, supporting REP nativley. Edge is an authentication method for Augur, and we encourage you to check out their wallet if you plan on being a user!

A new homepage is in the works, and Alex Chapman created this overview of scalar markets for our weekly team meeting. Feel free to come discuss it with us!

The Forecast Foundation is still looking for designer recommendations, as well as translators. Our bounties are still active, however we’re beginning to receive submissions for the portable Solidity debugger and a few teams are working on EIP-758.

Our researchers have begun creating a formal model of the Augur oracle so we can analyze its properties more rigorously. The research is in it’s early stages, but we look forward to sharing our findings with you in the future.

DRAFT: Research Outline

A reminder that anybody asking you for cryptocurrency on Twitter is a scammer. There have been imposters of large cryptocurrency accounts (Augur included) that reply to the official tweets asking to send them ETH in exchange for more ETH. Do not fall for these, hold your crypto close!

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The Augur Team




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.