Augur Weekly Development Update — July 5th

2 min readJul 6, 2017


We’ve been preparing for the on-boarding of a couple new employees, such in updating our documentation, conventions, and internal guidelines for developers. Next week we will include the three new team mates in our update, all engineers.

IDEO is now halfway done, and producing some great results. Their team really took the time to understand every in and out of Augur, and it shows in their work. We hope to update our branding and main landing page in the next week with what IDEO made for us — and share the full app mockups once our engagement is complete.

Augur was featured in Wired this week with Numerai and Blockchain Capital, a piece that will be in the upcoming print magazine:

Be careful of phishing attacks with MyEtherWallet, attackers have been spamming many crypto chat rooms:

Tom will be talking about Augur and the release schedule at this months San Diego Bitcoin Meetup, and our StackExchange needs just 20% more committed! Please reach out to friends with StackExchange reputation if you’d like to help out.

As always, join our Slack to keep up / ask questions!

Technical Updates:

July 4th, 2017

- Refactored transactions loading actions to be a component instead of just a function to allow for full exporting of transactions.
- Fixing function call name for isContainerForDisputeBondToken().
- Add explicit requires to the potentially unsafe subtraction caller functions and ref those in the comments.
- Modify fixmes to note why the bare subtraction operation is safe without safesub.

July 3rd, 2017

- Augur.js updates: price normalization, removed old trading files, order book price normalization, and generate order update.
- Started working on adding export all transactions button.
- Fixing typo when calling createDisputeBondToken().
- Only call reputationToken.transfer() if amount to transfer is > 0.

July 2nd, 2017

- Migrates tradingEscapeHatch and associated tests to new reporting / testing infrastructure.
- Simplified fix helper and standardizes usage across the project to be strings everywhere.

July 1st, 2017

- Fixed bond payout logic.

June 30th, 2017

- Added additional routes
- More test work, adds some fixme/todos, logs, and fixes some more bugs in augur-core.

June 29th, 2017

- Fix to fees not re-calculating and fixed resize event handler attachment.
- Added a check for create-market-preview setStates to ensure create market fields clear when creating a new one.
- Fix to validate that the share token is a share on the current markets branch.
- Slight merge of switches to the new reputation scheme.


The Augur Team




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.