Augur Weekly Development Update — May 31st

2 min readJun 1, 2017


A re skin of the main account page will be merged in the coming days, wrapping up all the full-screen re skins before we begin working with IDEO. Our six week collaboration with them starts next week!

Also starting on Monday, Sergio Lerner will begin reviewing and auditing our data API and trading contracts. Sergio is a well respected cryptocurrency security consultant, and will be drafting a report with his findings. Audits are moving forward as planned, with the reporting contracts coming next down the line.

You can watch Olaf Carlson-Wee of Polychain Capital talk Bitcoin, Ethereum, tokens (and Augur!) on Bloomberg this morning here.

Please reach out to us with any questions, or if you want to contribute to Augur! You can find a list of previous development updates here.

Technical Updates:

May 30th, 2017:

- Updated dev log from main.jsx & stub for account core stats selector test.
- Added tests for account-nav-items and asset type constants.
- Full pass over codebase to update ETH nomenclature.
- Reformatted ternaries and chains calc-order-profit-loss-percents.
- Removed unnecessary conditions in generate-trade.

Fixed tests for splitOrder, selectOrder, positions, placeTrade, parametrizeOrder, executeTrade, and buyAndSellShare.

May 29th, 2017:

- Flipped locations of ETH/ETH tokens and cleaned up the wording.
- Export view now displays a QR for the privateKey with a button to download the encrypted keystore.
- Added ability to export loginID file.
- Refunded styling and transitions of AirBitz account export.

Fixed tests for tradingActions, submitReport, and submitReportHash.

- Updated trading escape hatch & signatures.
- Throw if cost-per-share equals market range.

May 28th, 2017:

- Update generate-trade with for additional profit/loss return values.
- Added profit / kiss + percent returns to outcome-trade-summary.
- Add more tests for calc-order-profit-loss-percents and cleanup.

Updated and fixed data_api tests for testing compatibility.
- Added new emergency stops.
- Updated with new controller signature.
- Finished controller emergency stops, with tradingEscapeHatch in progress.

May 27th, 2017:

- Added profit and loss module and tests.

May 26th, 2017:

- Beefed up export component to have better messaging/security around encrypted generation.
- Initial inclusion of transition group to encryption password confirm.
- Saved current progress on account-export-airbitz component.

Updated compiled files, contracts.json, and API maker script.
- Added upload to chain script to upload_contracts folder.

May 25th, 2017:

- Updated validation, error messaging, and generalize some of the form styling.
- Style fixes and properly validating transfer form.
- Moved keyfile encryption and generation methods to auth helpers.
- Fix to link component to properly accmodate data hrefs.

May 24th, 2017:

- Initial structural layout of transfer component.
- Moved convert ETH actions to auth module.


The Augur Team




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.