Augur Weekly Development Update — October 25th

2 min readOct 26, 2017


v3 Client:

The primary market trading page, reporting and portfolio sections have been worked on this past week. Notifications have been finished. An optimistic completion and deployment (on time frame of the new client 1:1 with our IDEO designs is about two and a half to three weeks. The client does not need to be audited (outside of some minor code in the auth modules), and will be running on the testnet until our bug bounty launch.


About 25 pull requests have been committed, reviewed, and merged this past week into Augurs core contracts. The final large TODOs and FIXMEs were completed. We are beginning to line up the needed security auditors. Our back-end engineering will be focusing on an internal audit that runs in parallel with security audits, along with finalizing and testing our deployment processes. Next week we will know dates of when audits can begin. Augur Node is still being built, however it should not have any implications on our timeline. You can watch its progress here.

General News:

Our very own Jack Peterson will be presenting next week at this years Devcon3 in Cancun. He’ll be discussing missing links in the Ethereum stack. Make sure to say hello if you see him, and check out his talk!

The 0x, AugmentPartners and Pardex teams came by our office this week and gave presentations to a small group of interested individuals. If anyone is interested, we can happily share the Augur slides!


The Augur Team




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.