Augur Weekly Development Update — October 4th

2 min readOct 5, 2017


We migrated to new infrastructure, allowing us to properly configure and scale the deployment using IPFS. Expect loading times to get faster over the coming week. AirBitz and Keystore authentication modules are completed, with uPort, Ledger and MetaMask remaining. Create market and portfolio views are being worked on, with the reporting and notification systems next up for skinning.

Contract development velocity is increasing, with many PR’s being submitted, reviewed, and merged this past week. We’ve been working on Augur node, a secondary source of information for the Augur UI. The node downloads the Ethereum chain, parses what’s relevant to Augur, and indexes it locally. Clients will source their data from Ethereum contracts and an Augur node. Use of an Augur Node will make the UI significantly faster. Instead of thousands of requests to an Ethereum node, the client can send a single request to an Augur node. We have part of this built now, and a full write up will be published once all the details are finalized. This does not effect the development timeline of remaining contract work, and is running in parallel.

We had a couple new contractors ramp on this past week, as well as Scott Bigelow beginning his full time work with the Forecast Foundation. Scott will be primarily focusing on building and maintaining Augur node.

Our Advisor, Ron Bernstein, announced a peer-to-peer ERC20 token exchange using 0x called this past week, which we encourage all our supporters to check out!


The Augur Team




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.