Augur Weekly Report — February 27th

4 min readFeb 28, 2019


Development Update:

During the last week the Forecast Foundation has worked to complete the first sprint of the new bi-weekly development structure, which was affectionately named Arrogant Artichoke. This sprint was a huge success during which the Augur UI, the Augur Middleware/State Management APIs, and the Augur v2 contracts initiatives made major progress.

Product / Design

The design team has been moving forwarding with evaluating the design of the reporting pages to make them easier to understand. At the same time they’ve been polishing the trading, portfolio, and account pages with the development team doing implementation in lock-step. They’ve also been working on new concept designs to help display the vast amount of information on the new pages in a way that is digestible on mobile devices.

Augur UI

The UI team has been working on finishing up small issues to complete the redesign of the trading page experience. Among numerous small improvements and polish, they’ve completed a huge refactor of all all graphs in the system making them much easier to read and more flexible. In addition to this they’ve continued to work on the details of the upcoming portfolio and account pages. These new pages include all the necessary data to understand trading positions and reporting state from an Augur user perspective.

Augur Middleware / Contracts

The middleware team has been continuing work on creating a new Augur State component. The goal of this component is to bring all of the data needed to interact with Augur into the browser. Major tasks completed in the last week include a totally overhauled full-text search, building code that keeps Augur state up to date with the newest blocks, and beginning on the new public APIs. At the same time the contract team has been going nuts in the last few weeks and got a ton done, including doing full profit/loss calculations on chain, implementing affiliate fees, and being able to change the order price without re-submitting orders.

For the next two weeks the team will be working within our current sprint, Beligerant Banana.

Augur Metrics:

Pre-Finalization Markets: 587

All-Time Finalized Markets: 1,449

Pre-Finalization Open Interest: $611,500.72 (4,460 ETH)

CASH Contract: $805,862.11 USD (5,837 ETH)

ETH Price: $138.04

Please note: Previously, the OI was recorded from Predictions.Global, which included unclaimed finalized OI in its calculation. From here on, we will be reporting pre-finalization OI and breaking down market tallies into pre-finalization, and all-time finalized categories, as calculated by CrystalBall.Be.

Augur Community Bounties

The Forecast Foundation is excited to partner with the Augur community in expanding the usability, growth, and effectiveness of the Augur platform through additional bounties for tooling and infrastructure.

This week, a group of independent Augur enthusiasts will be reviewing applications for the of the following:

  • Consumable glossary ($2,750 in REP)
  • Augur explainer video ($4,000 in REP)
  • Historical reporting digest ($2,000 in REP)
  • Augur analysis services (~$2,500 in REP)
  • Submit your own idea (Varies in REP)

Applications for each project will be open for (7) days. The Foundation and ‘Smarty Pants’ Discord group will review each application and promptly approve, deny, or request more information. The 7 day period began Friday, February 22nd and ends the following Friday, March 1st at 5:00PM PT.

Apply for any of the individual projects by submitting your application on the Community Bounties Github issue. If you want to submit your own idea for an Augur project to determine eligibility, also please submit an application on the issue. If you’re not ready to submit an application or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the community in Discord.

Download Augur App 1.10.3

This one features an updated Geth light client version and new Rinkeby endpoint:

🎊 For those of you using the local light client, we’ve updated version 1.8.23 of Geth.
💪 Are you using Augur with the Rinkeby Testnet? The endpoint is now hosted by Alchemy.

The Forecast Foundation has no role in the operation of markets, trades or actions created or performed on the Augur protocol, nor does it have the ability to censor, restrict, control, modify, change, revoke, terminate or make any changes to markets created on the Augur protocol. The Forecast Foundation has no more control over the Augur protocol than anyone else using Ethereum.

Thus, we do not seek to advise others on how to use the protocol. We encourage those in the community that are well educated on Augur to pay it forward and share their ideas for best practices, tips, fixes and etc with the larger community via Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Github and other community channels. For more information regarding the role of the Forecast Foundation, checkout the FAQ.


The Forecast Foundation OU




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.