Augur Weekly Report — July 3rd

2 min readJul 4, 2019


Contract Update

Exciting news! All items from the initial v2 Contract Audit by Zeppelin have been addressed and these changes are reflected on Github. The next, and final, major feature for the v2 contracts is support for Multi-Collateral DAI’s DSR capability.

UI | Augur Node

The v2 UI no longer contains any dependency on the legacy Augur Node. This means that the UI is now fully capable of running without a separate server, and the new middleware components for providing fast data indexing and querying wholly in-browser are working.

The team has also implemented a host of new login methods for v2, including Portis, And is actively working on implementing a brand new Market Creation flow designed to reduce errors in market specification at creation time.

Augur Metrics

Pre-Finalization Markets: 398

All-Time Finalized Markets: 2,119

Pre-Finalization Open Interest: $427,595.52 (1,420 ETH)

CASH Contract: $1,074,836.45 USD (3,611 ETH)

ETH Price: $297.58

The Forecast Foundation has no role in the operation of markets, trades or actions created or performed on the Augur protocol, nor does it have the ability to censor, restrict, control, modify, change, revoke, terminate or make any changes to markets created on the Augur protocol. The Forecast Foundation has no more control over the Augur protocol than anyone else using Ethereum.

Thus, we do not seek to advise others on how to use the protocol. We encourage those in the community that are well educated on Augur to pay it forward and share their ideas for best practices, tips, fixes and etc with the larger community via Twitter, Reddit, Github and other community channels.For more information regarding the role of the Forecast Foundation, checkout the FAQ.


The Forecast Foundation OU




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.