Augur Weekly Report — November 28th

3 min readNov 29, 2018


Development Update:

This week, the engineering team has been focused on readying a minor release that will include the following:

  • Feature to factor in fees when displaying potential profit/loss on the trading order form
  • Feature to filter markets on market list page by estimated fee. (By default, this will only show markets where the estimated fee is < 5%.)
  • Fix for bug causing Net Quantity not displaying correctly in My Positions on trading page
  • Fix for issue preventing transactions from being sent when user is connected via Ledger and MetaMask is enabled

In addition to this, they are continuing to explore ways to speed up and improve the initial syncing process for v2. The design team is continuing work on redesigning the trading page and sidebar, and improving the UX for forking and adding categories/tags when creating a new market.

Augur Metrics:

Markets: 1,558

Open Interest: $1,690,188.88 USD (14,020 ETH)

CASH Contract: $1,644,677.70 USD (13,662 ETH)

ETH Price: $120.55

Weekly Updates

Several teams building on or building tooling around Augur are now putting out weekly updates on their progress. You can read more about Veil’s efforts on mobile UX, consumer friendly limit orders, and more below:

Additionally, the Augur Insider team began posting a weekly report. This week’s post looks into the effects volatility of the broader crypto markets has on Augur’s markets. Follow the below link to read further:

ExploreAugur Launches is a minimalist UI to view trades, markets, and more.

Charts, Charts, and More Charts!

Credit: Veil
Credit: Mike McDonald Twitter

Number of Markets Created Over Time

Credit: DappBoard

Orders Filled v. Orders Cancelled

Credit: DappBoard

Help Design Augur!

Currently, the Forecast Foundation is searching for a junior-mid level Product Designer with strong visual and UX design skills to join the team. Follow the link below for more details and send a note with your portfolio and resume to if interested.

Reminder, the Forecast Foundation has no role in the operation of markets, trades or actions created or performed on the Augur protocol, nor does it have the ability to censor, restrict, control, modify, change, revoke, terminate or make any changes to markets created on the Augur protocol. The Forecast Foundation has no more control over the Augur protocol than anyone else using Ethereum.

Thus, we do not seek to advise others on how to use the protocol. We encourage those in the community that are well educated on Augur to pay it forward and share their ideas for best practices, tips, fixes and etc with the larger community via Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Github and other community channels. For more information regarding the role of the Forecast Foundation, checkout the FAQ.


The Forecast Foundation OU




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.