Augur Weekly Report — November 7th

4 min readNov 8, 2018


Development Update

This week, The Forecast Foundation has been fixing several bugs related to syncing that can occur when a light client is being used or when a re-org happens. In addition to this, they’ve been refactoring some of the UI code and fixing some display issues on the mobile UI. The design team is currently working on redesigning the Trading page.

For Augur 2.0, the smart contracts are being updated to replace the old delegator contract with a minimal proxy contract that will provide gas savings of 25–40% on all transactions. The development team has also been working on combining all of Augur’s code repositories into a monorepo and are researching a way to run Augur Node in the browser so that Augur can be run locally without the need for a separate app.

Augur Metrics:

Markets: 1,412

Open Interest: $2,751,164.25 (12,810 ETH)

CASH Contract: $2,725,849.44 USD (12,692 ETH)

ETH Price: $214.76

Solidity Compiler Audit Report

The Solidity Compiler audit report was just published by @maraoz of @ZeppelinOrg! Huge thanks to the Zeppelin team for this extremely in depth audit, and for the @ethereum grants team for co-sponsoring the audit with the Forecast Foundation.


Check out a disputing pool and dispute round visualizer built by /u/burdakovd. Read more about the tool below.

The idea is to switch from first-come-first-serve to auction system.

People can contribute into the pool (for certain market/outcome/round) ahead of time, and when dispute round begins, anyone can trigger the pool to do the dispute. Then people can withdraw their dispute tokens, and receive refunds for unused REP (if any).

Person who triggers the dispute on the pool receives fee. Each participant chooses upper bound for how high a fee they are willing to pay, but at the end everyone is charged the same “threshold” fee, which is set as low as possible, while guaranteeing fair inclusion in the dispute. If pool got into the dispute round fully, fee is 0%. If there is more funds collected than can be used in the dispute, fee becomes greater than 0%, and participants are chosen based on how much fee they offered. Mechanism is similar to one of Vickrey–Clarke–Groves auction

Game theory suggests people should set their fee to their fair estimation of value of dispute tokens. Also it suggests that participant has better returns if disputing as part of the pool and not on their own

Building Augur: Lessons Learned

The Forecast Foundation’s own Scott Bigelow gave a talk last Friday at Devcon on the lessons learned in building Augur. You can find the talk here starting at 1:59:00.

Credit: Alan Krassowski Twitter

Help Build Augur!

Reminder, the Forecast Foundation has no role in the operation of markets, trades or actions created or performed on the Augur protocol, nor does it have the ability to censor, restrict, control, modify, change, revoke, terminate or make any changes to markets created on the Augur protocol. The Forecast Foundation has no more control over the Augur protocol than anyone else using Ethereum.

Thus, we do not seek to advise others on how to use the protocol. We encourage those in the community that are well educated on Augur to pay it forward and share their ideas for best practices, tips, fixes and etc with the larger community via Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Github and other community channels. For more information regarding the role of the Forecast Foundation, checkout the FAQ.


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