Augur Weekly Report — September 12th

2 min readSep 13, 2018


Make sure to post your wish list for Augur v2 on Reddit. If you’re interested, apply as a hacker for Eth San Francisco taking place October 5–7, co-sponsored by the Forecast Foundation. Look over Augur’s documentation & API, and pop in our Discord to get some ideas on what to build.

Be on the lookout in the coming days for a new Augur App release including lots of UI fixes and improvements.

Markets: 1,160

Open Interest: $891,227.19 USD(4,719 ETH)

CASH Contract: $956,348.95 USD (5,064 ETH)

ETH Price: $188.83

The Blockchain and Us Podcast

Augur co-founder Joey Krug went on The Blockchain and Us podcast to discuss a number of topics including Augur. The Building Tomorrow podcast also had an episode dedicated to discussing Augur.

Community Projects

Veil Market launched their alpha this weekend at Eth Berlin. Be sure to give them a follow to stay up to date on their progress. launched the beta of their Augur Insights tool. Check it out below and give them feedback.

Shout out to who continue to ship new updates:

The Forecast Foundation has no role in the operation of markets, trades or actions created or performed on the Augur protocol, nor does it have the ability to censor, restrict, control, modify, change, revoke, terminate or make any changes to markets created on the Augur protocol. The Forecast Foundation has no more control over the Augur protocol than anyone else using Ethereum.

Thus, we do not seek to advise others on how to use the protocol. We encourage those in the community that are well educated on Augur to pay it forward and share their ideas for best practices, tips, fixes and etc with the larger community via Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Github and other community channels. For more information regarding the role of the Forecast Foundation, checkout the FAQ.


The Forecast Foundation OU




An open-source, decentralized, peer-to-peer prediction market platform built on Ethereum.