French bulldog by Nørreport station. I read that photos of animals get you more reads and therefore recommends. Despite hyping quality below, I am actually a recommend whore.

I am a Recommend Whore

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2016


I’ll write “fuck” and “fucking” in the title to get more recommends. I don’t use these words much otherwise. It works. My two most popular articles have expletives in the title:

Quality is what I got, Quantity is what I want

No worries with my stuff

None of my stories ever got more than 60 recommends and only one got more than 25.

Writer’s note: March 2017 Update: This story is now my second-most recommended story with 73 recommends.

My most recommended story with over 80 recommends is:

On the other hand, the most brilliant writers, readers and commenters on Medium follow me, which I deeply appreciate. Here is the definitive list of the most discerning readers on Medium:

Thank you to all of you whose encouragement means the world to me.

Just by clicking that “Follow” box you helped to achieve something big for me: to be heard. I have never written articles like these for public consumption before.

I am a writer. I worked as a writer for ten years. One of my books was printed 30,000 times. That sounds far more wonderful than it was. Like Richard Bach before me, I wrote technical manuals.(“Press Enter to continue”).

Thank you for hearing me.

Thank you also to the people who read these articles:

Some men found this funny. I wasn’t intentionally amusing:

Just the fact that you guys read these articles makes me want to weep with gratitude. The internet, and especially Medium, is still a beautiful thing. (Any article that mentions Medium and tags it gets more recommends)

Click the green heart below to send me into rhapsodies of delight.

That’s another thing, I want to make you laugh, like the way I laughed until I cried at ’s article yesterday:

Have a wonderful Sunday and thanks again for following me.

Thank you so much to the seventy-three people who have already recommended this article. I appreciate you all very, very much.

And thanks too, to the five hundred and twenty-seven people who took the time to read my words. Thanks for acknowledging me in this way that means so much to me.

