Modest Witness

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
8 min readApr 16, 2016
Remembering the good times. Photo: Drew Hays, Unsplash

Dear Amber,

I received your letter in the post. It saddens me that it has all ended up like this. I would like to say that if I have hurt you in any way, I apologize. I have never intended to hurt you. I remember all the good times we had together.

Just to let you know, not everything is good with me right now. My parents are both ill and I need to go home soon. My job is also under threat of redundancy, obviously a big worry. These things take a lot of energy.

I wish you and your family all the best

Prussian Blue

Dear Prussian Blue,

A thirty-second piece of music.

Your repeated and callous attempts to bypass the core themes of my letters continue to astonish me. I am truly flabberghasted by the level of your cold-heartedness and emotional truncation.

So that’s how you’re going to play it: No Remorse. You are going to try to play past it.

I find your modest-witness stance to be so absurdly inappropriate that if it hadn’t enraged me so much, I might find it comical.

“ It saddens me”

It saddens you! It saddens you! How cold. How uninvolved. How deliciously and gorgeously detached. A tinge of sadness. No

