The Sunday Times is Whoring for Clicks: The Kevin Myers Story in Tweets

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
The Body Politic
3 min readAug 2, 2017


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“Jews are not generally noted for their insistence on selling their talent for the lowest possible price”

Factually incorrect:

Photo by Vitaly on Unsplash
Shameless self-promotion. This tweet was a top tweet on today. Thanks for paying attention.


RTE is the state-funded television channel
Sycophany at the Irish TV channel that is state-sponsored

The Irish Independent gave him a platform, even paid him to tell us that he was a holocaust denier on 4 March 2009:

“six million jews were not murdered by the Third Reich”

The Irish Independent gave him a platform to to tell us that:

“The liberalisation of the laws against homosexual acts” had resulted in the “catastrophic reality” of “at least 250,000 deaths from AIDS”

“The record of every society shows that boys without a strong stable male figure in their lives are an express train heading for trouble”

Catholic adoption agencies have “closed rather than do something which they feel is immoral, which is to hand children over to homosexual couples”.

The Irish Independent on 28 December 2009 gave him a platform to tell us that:

“Africa is giving nothing to anyone — apart from AIDS”

“Indeed, we now have almost an entire continent of sexually hyperactive indigents”

Editor of the Irish Times, Geraldine Kennedy, is a Kevin Myers apologist:

There’s plenty more where that come from:

The Jewish Council rushed to defend Myers but individual Irish Jewish people insisted that the council does not speak for the Jewish community:

His apology somehow rang a tad insincere in my ears. Here’s what a Jewish woman said in an interview:

Lorcan (adult) chides us (the children) for being seduced by our own outrage. Is this “Games People Play” by Eric Berne?


Martin Ivens, Sunday Times headline editor, is married to Anne McElvoy, an editor at The Economist:

But it is okay, I have rewritten the article and feminized it…

I will leave the final word with Mallow News which brings us back to the original issue on which Myers pontificated, the gender gap at the BBC.

